Nothing But Woe

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I have decided to do a special New Year's update by getting a few updates within today and tomorrow, because you guys really wanted it. I want to thank 1DHarryStylesLoves for dedicating her book to me, which I might add is a really good book. I highly recommend it!! I hope you guys enjoy and keep reading and voting!! I love y'all. 

Christine's POV 

Erik's arms pressed against my waist, pulling me back into him. The country side flew by as Erik kept pushing the horse to go further. The cold wind slapped my face as the chilly winter air hit us. Tears were streaming down my face and I felt a tug as we exited the city. 

In sleep he sang to me

He dreams he came

That voice which calls to me

And speaks my name

Erik's POV 

I could hear Christine's sob and my heart broke. I knew how much it pained her to be away from the children. I wish I could have given her a normal life, where she wouldn't be in so much risk. She deserved more than a life full of running, a life where she could have freedom. 

I knew in my heart that I never could have given her any of that. She deserved a life of wealth and being around numerous of people. I kept her in solitude with very little human interaction. My mind started to wander as the country side flew by. 

Why does she love me? 

Raoul's POV 

I watched as Christine and Erik fell through the floor. The same feeling of hopelessness swept through me. She fell through my grasp again, to be taken by that monster. 

" Children hurry we have to get going," I hear Madame Giry say. I look behind me to see Christine's children following her and my eye catches on something. I see a boy of about four years of age. It then hits me as I see his face. 

He looks like me, but he's one of the triplets. But then again her didn't look like his siblings. 

" Elliot hurry up," I hear the eldest say. Elliot?  My mind wandered back to a conversation that Meg and I had. 

" Just thinking Meg, what would you want to name our child," I ask. She sits in the other chair and gently rubs her stomach. " If I had one choice, for a girl it would be Fleur, and for a boy," she starts. I can see her thinking a little bit more then a smile appears on her face. " Elliot, that was my father's name," she says, " that's it, if he is a boy is name would definitely be Elliot." 

I smile, " Elliot, it's perfect," I say. She smiles and I head off to go get some work done. 

" My son, I thought he died," I whisper then I remember. Christine only lived a few blocks away from the Giry's, she could have easily came to Meg when she was having her child. Meg also loved how great of a mother Christine was. Then it hit me. 

" Meg gave Elliot to Christine when she died, which means that I have a son," I say. I smiled, " I have a son, and he will be mine, not that monster's." Mark my words. 

Victoria's POV 

I screamed as Christine removed his mask. The other new ballet rats cowered and screamed. I saw a few older ones whispering back to each other. Then Raoul's words hit me. 

She removed his mask in front of everyone and he stole her. 

Then Mr. Hamelstine's voice snaps me from my train of thought. He starts crazily screaming about how his wife was killed in the fire. I suddenly remember the fire that occurred in the Opera Populaire after an opera. A few people died in the fire and some where heavily injured. All of a sudden I remember something. 

I was in the audience when it occurred, it was a birthday present from my parents. I was diagnosed with post traumatic stress afterwards and I lost all memories of it. Until today that is. 

All of the memories came flooding through my mind and I screamed as pictures of people trampling other's and I watched as the people in front of me where killed as the last part of the chandelier fell on them.The memories of them flooded in and I couldn't stop screaming. I prayed to God to help me forget this nightmare. 

Now Christine must certainly pay for all she has done to me. 

Christine's POV 

We came up to a cabin and Erik stopped the horse. " Erik, why are we here," I ask. He looks at it and grabs a key from his pocket. " This was supposed to me a present for you, after what happened, I rented it for us and the children. We will stay here until everything has calmed down," he says and I nod. 

He opens the door and I enter in after him. I see him light the wood in the fireplace and he walks over and gently grabs my arms and leads me over to the fireplace. I sit down and he places me in his lap and wraps his arms around my waist as he bring me closer to him. 

" Christine, I'm sorry, we had to get out of there, forgive me angel," he says. " I wish we could have brough the children with us," I gently say. " Christine, you and I both know that we couldn't have gotten them in time. If there was a way I would have gladly done it, but there wasn't," he says. I few tears slide down my face and Erik gently wipes them away. 

" Forgive me Christine, you deserve so much more than this," he says and my heart breaks. " Erik, all I ever will need in life is you right next to me," I say but he sighs. " I can give you all that you wants Christine and I amy sorry for that, you need more than running away from everything, you need to be singing without fear that I am going to be in trouble," he says. 

I get up out of his arms and walk into the master bedroom. " Christine I didn't mean to anger you," he says. " Erik," I say soflty and I turn to face him, " I'm scared." He gently walks over to me and gazes into my eyes. " Please forgive me," he says. 

Too many years fighting back tears

Why can't the past just die?

Wishing you were somehow here again

Knowing we must say, "Goodbye"

Try to forgive, teach me to live

Give me the strength to try

No more memories, no more silent tears

No more gazing across the wasted years

Help me say, "Goodbye"

Help me say, "Goodbye"

His arms wrap arond my waist, " It's okay Christine, I'm right here," he says trying to calm me. " Help me forget me Erik," I say. " Christine, please don't do this," he says. " I don't want to remember this pain anymore," I say. 

" Please Erik, I can't take this pain and torture anymore help me forget everything that just happened," I say. " I can't do it Christine, you need to remember," he says. " Why, why do I have to remember the fact that I was almost killed," I scream. " I can't if you forget, then I loose my wife," he says, " come on let's go to sleep, maybe you'll feel better in the morning." 

As he pulled me closer to him I couldn't help but feel an overwhelming sensation of doom as I thought of the Opera. 

Please bring my children back to me safely, I beg of you. 

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