My Opera

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Hey guys sorry for the lack of updates, I will try to update before I have exams and before I leave the country for two weeks. I hope you enjoy and thank you for almost 19K!! 

Christine's POV 

I looked up into the empty box and nodded before disappearing into the midst of the stage. Maria and Victor stood in the center of the stage and I quickly removed my robe before taking my place with the other dancers. 

Slowly and softly the music begins and in one quick rush the music became faster and louder as the curtains open and the audience begins to silence as Maria's voice fills the stage. The dancers and I all hit the poses and I give a quick smile at Cosette before we have to start the number. 

The number goes beautifully and I sit down with the others as Firmin and Andre take the stage, playing themselves of course. It was so funny how Maria captured Carlotta's essence and how Victor performed the part of Piangi. 

As they begin to bicker I can hear Erik give a cry as Maria begins to sing Think of Me. She barely finished before a prop fell on her, it was supervised of course. 

He's there the Phantom of the Opera 

Cosette begins to sing as we all cower back. "These things do happen," one of them tells Maria and her faces drops. She screams back at them and they bicker until she says the line we've all be waiting for, "Until you stop these things from happening this thing will not happen." 

"Amateurs," Victor says and the crowd laughs. 

The woman playing Madame Giry brings a handwritten note and begins to tell them his instructions. "who is the understudy for La Carlotta," someone asks. "There is no understudy for La Carlotta," the mistro says from the audience. 

Cosette stands up and walks be towards them, "Christine Daae could sing it sir," she says and I pretend to back up. "She's been taking lessons from a great teacher," she adds. "Who," they ask and I look down, "I don't know his name monsieur," I say and they all sigh. 

"Daae, hmm, that's a curious last name, any relation to the famous violinist," one of them asks. "My father monsieur," I say. "Let her sing for you monsieur, she has been well taught," Madame Giry says. "Very well, from the beginning of the aria then please Mademoiselle," he says and I take my place. 

"You'll do well," Cosette says and I put on a small smile. 

Think of me, think of me fondly
When we've said goodbye
Remember me once in a while
Please promise me, you'll try

When you'll find that once again you long
To take your heart back and be free
If you'll ever find a moment
Spare a thought for me

We never said our love was evergreen
Or as unchanging as the sea
But if you can still remember
Stop and think of me

Think of all the things
We've shared and seen
Don't think about the way
Things might have been

Think of me, think of me waking
Silent and resigned
Imagine me trying too hard
To put you from my mind

Recall those days, look back on all those times
Think of those things we'll never do
There will never be a day
When I won't think of you

Can it be?
Can it be Christine? Bravo!

Long ago, it seems so long ago
How young and innocent we were
She may not remember me
But I remember her

Love Never Falters (The Phantom of the Opera)Where stories live. Discover now