Unhappy Endings

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Hi guys, I decided to end this book very soon. After this chapter there will be a epilouge. I may even put out a special chapter for all of my books for my one year anniversary on the 15th. Anyways thanks for reading and thanks for 32K I love y'all. 

Christine's POV 

I gave a sigh of relief after we had finished the opera. As much as I loved the fact that Erik wrote this opera for me and as much as I loved to perform, I knew my time in the spotlight was over. All I truly wanted was to go home with my family. 

Erik and I stood there as the other performers made their way out. "I'm sorry this didn't go the way you had planned," I said to Erik. He looked at me and smiled, "You should not apologize Christine," he says before kissing my forehead. 

"Erik, I am sorry if this upsets you, but I think I'm going to drop out of the music career," I admit and he nods his head. "I understand Christine, you've performed for fifteen years, I think it's time for both of us to go back to Scotland," he says and I smile. 

I grab his hand and I begin to lead him down to my dressing room. Erik opens the door for me and we are instantly greeted by small arms wrapping themselves around us. "Mama, mama, that was very pretty," Aria says and I softly kiss her forehead. 

I look up at Marius who was standing there fiddling with his hands. "Marius," I gently scold him and he suddenly looks up like I had broken him from a trance. "I'm sorry mother, I was just lost in thought," he says and I open my arms. 

Marius towered over me, and I gently laid my head on his chest, and I began to wonder about what the house would be like without him, my eldest child. He pulls away and I feel a tear slide down my face. "Mother, what's wrong," he asks and I just shake my head. 

"I'm sorry, it's just that you're so grown up," I say as more tears begin to fall. He gently lays his hands on my shoulder, "Mother, I'll come and visit, Cosette and I will, maybe with grandchildren," he says and I feel a smile spread on my face. 

"I would like that very much," I say and then I look back down at the children, "maybe they would like to meet Cosette," I say and their eyes light up. "That would be wonderful mother," Gustave says and Marius ruffles his hair, "Don't be growing up on her now," Marius teases. 

"Is Cosette the pretty one," Charlotte asks and I nod my head, "She was Meg in the opera darling," I say and she gives a squeal of delight. "Marius is marrying a chorus girl," Gustave says and I laugh, "So did your father, I might add," I say. 

"Actually I married Christine Daae, the scarlet soprano," Erik says and I slap him, "You got lucky mister," I say pointing a finger at him and he raises up his hand. "She still would have come to me," he tells Marius as he lays a hand on his shoulder. 

Marius squeezes his eyes shut, "I do not need to know any of this," he says and Erik laughs. "Of course not son, you've already had plenty of practice," Erik teases and my mouth drops. "Erik Destler, there are children in his room," I say. 

"Mama, can we see Cosette now," Casper asks and I nod my head as I pick him up. The rest of the children follow us and Charlotte manages to grab one of my free hands. We walk out to the foyer where multiple newsies are standing with cameras. 

"Miss Daae, Mr. Destler," they all chant as they try to grab our attention. Casper pulled on my sleeve and I turned my head to face him, "Yes darling," I say and he looks at the press, "Mama they're scaring me," he cries. 

I look up at Erik, "All of you get out you are scaring my son," Erik yells and all of them run out, scared of him. Suddenly a familiar blonde pops out from the crowd and Marius rushes forward and grabs her arm. She turns around and I can see that her face is tear stained. 

I gently set Casper down and run over to Cosette. I gently grab her arm, "Cosette, what is wrong," I ask her and she just shakes her head. "Please Madame Destler, I just need to talk to Marius alone," she asks politely and I hear her voice crack. 

"Of course," I say as I walk away and back towards Erik. "What is wrong," he asks me and I shrug, "I don't know, she just asked to see Marius alone," I tell him and he nods. I watch the conversation, Cosette said something and tried to walk away, but Marius grabbed her arm. 

She kept pleading about, but Marius kept insisting on something. Whatever they were discussing must have been emotional because Cosette began to cry even harder. I watched helpless as she kissed him, before she ran off. 

Marius turns around, revealing red eyes from crying. "Marius," I say running up to him, "what happened where has she gone to," I ask him, and he just shakes his head. "She left me," he says, his voice cracking with raw pain. 

"What, why," I ask him as I brush away a few of his tears, but he swats my hand away. "No," he says and then holds his head in his head, "she said that she never loved me," he cries, "that she just slept with me to get ahead in her career." 

I gently nod my head as I wrap my arm around his shoulder, "Come on let's head home," I say, but Marius stops. "No," he says and I look at him, confused, "I am going to find her," he says but I shake my head, "No Marius she said she didn't love you." 

"And you said the same about Father," he points out and I nod my head, "Yes, but that was different," I try to say but he cuts me off. "What do you mean its different, besides the fact that at least I didn't lie to myself about my feelings for her," he screams and Erik steps in. 

"Watch your tone," he says but Marius rolls his eyes, "We are one in the same father, but at least I had the decency to stay until she woke in the morning, you just left mother all alone," he screams. "Marius, you have no idea what went on in my mind when I did that," Erik tries to say, but Marius cuts him off, "You were just worried that she would flee from your face," he says harshly. 

"Marius," I begins but he turns to look at me, "I'm going to find her, whether or not you support my doing so," he says and I nod my head. He looks at his family once before he walked out of the opera house, leaving us there without any words. 

Nine Months Later 

I sat by the fireplace, with Charlotte at me feet. "One more try Lottie," I tell her. "Gustave have you got the piano," I ask him and he nods. "Aria, the flute," I peer over at her and she holds up the flute, "Casper do you have the violin," I ask and he nods. 

"Wonderful," I say and then I look at Charlotte who was now standing up. "It's a simple song, have you got it," I ask her and she fidgets, "I'm not sure," she says and I tilt her head up, "Father taught me this when I was around your age, I'm sure you can do it," I tell her and she straightens up, "besides we want to surprise father don't we," I ask them and they all nod. 

Angel of- 

Charlotte begins, but suddenly the door slams open and I flinch. The figure slowly turns around and I can recognize him. "Marius," I say as I stand up and walk over to him, but then I hear the unmistakable cry of a child and I see a small little girl wrapped up in Marius's arms. 

Marius looks up at me with pained eyes, and then he says those words which stunned us all. 

"Cosette is dead." 

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