Oh God if I Agree

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I do realize that I killed some of you guys in suspense with the last chapter, so her is a special gift to all of you. I will upfront apologize for switching POVs a lot in here!! I hope you guys enjoy and keep voting and reading!! I love you all!!

Victoria's POV 

 " Raoul," I snap, furious at him for drinking again. " What," he says and turns around. I get up grab his glass and the bottle of rum and throw it in the trash can. " What the hell was that for," he yells. " For God's sake Raoul, could you stop drinking for five bloody minutes. I don't want my child to be raised by an alcoholic idiot," I scream.

" For God's sake woman did I ask to get you pregnant, no, I will say this again the only child I want to have, I one that Christine had," he screams and my heart hurts. " I should have killed that slut," I mutter under my breath. " Excuse me," he asks, " nothing darling, now for God's sake can you get to bed," I ask utterly annoyed. " I have someone to visit Victoria," he says and I roll my eyes. " It'd better not be Christine," I say and he nods," I don't think I could visit Christine from the look of how she and her husband were. I have to have a meeting with a certain manager," he says. 

He exits the door and I walk over to the desk and I see a note. 


If you so desperately wish to get Mr. Destler killed, may I suggest we do the same thing as we did fourteen years ago? I'll have the doors armed, you get her to sing again. Until then Victome, I bid you a good day. 

Mr. Andre 

I look at the note and ponder. Who is this Mr. Andre and what happened exactly fourteen years ago? I shook the thought out of my head and headed back to sleep. 

Raoul's POV 

I knock at Mr. Hamelstine's office. He opens the door and looks surprised to see me. " Victome, what brings you to my office at such a late hour?" He opens the door and I walk in and take a seat. " I don't suppose that you have any operas planned yet do you," I ask. He looks up at me, " I don't have, why did you ask Victome?" I stand up, " I'll have to talk to Andre, but I do recall a wonderful opera that we put on give or take about fourteen years ago. I don't know if you have heard of it, it's called Don Juan Triumphant?"

He looks up at me startled, " I have not yet heard of it, why are you telling me this," he asks naively. " I think that it would be a wonderful opera to put on, to get the theatre running again," I say and he nods. " Do you think you could find me a score?" I smile, " I'll go ask the composer later today," I say. " You know the composer?" I nod, " You do too," I say and he looks at me weirdly, " I do?" I nod again, " Mrs. Destler's husband composed it," I say. " Well that's splendid,  shall we rehearse it tomorrow?" I nod, " Of course I'll send word to Christine tonight," I say. 

" Marvelous," he says and I exit, " have a good day, Victome," he says happily. I smile, it is now Hamelstine, it most certainly is. 

Christine's POV 

I woke up laying on Erik's chest, " Good morning darling," I say as I kiss him gently. " It most certainly is now," he says and smirks. I blush gently and he looks into my eyes deeply, " I love you Christine," he says and kisses my forehead. " Is there something wrong dear," I ask. " No," he says but I can tell his holding something back. " Erik, I know you, please tell me," I say as my hand laid on his face. He buries his face into my hand and kisses the palm. " I"m thought I was going to loose you," he says softly and my heart breaks. 

" Look at me Erik," I say and his eyes gaze into mine, " I wil stay with you forever, I promised you that the day we met, remember," I say and he smiles softly. " I remember, " he says as he rubbed circles in my cheek. I lean into kiss him, but there is a knock at my door. I quickly get up and quickly find a dress to wear, and I can feel Erik smirking from behind me. 

I open the door and I see a worker standing outside, " For you Mrs. Destler, from the Victome de Changy," he says and I mentally roll my eyes. " Thank you," I say as I take the note from him. "Who was that darling," Erik asks as he gets up and slips on a pair of pants before walking over to me. " A letter darling," I say, " from who angel," he asks. " Raoul," I say and I can feel him mentally roll his eyes. " What does that idiot want now," he says. " I haven't the slightest clue," I say as I open the letter. 

Mrs. Destler,

Mr. Hamelstine and I have talked about which opera to put on and we have come to a conclusion. If you do recall, and I'm sure you do, the opera, Don Juan Triumphant? Rehearsals start today and promtly 11. There will be breakfast for you and your husband before rehearshal. Until we meet again ave a good day. 

Victome de Changy 

" Darling," I say softly, this letter doesn't make any sense." He gently takes it and reads it, " I know what he plans to do now," he says. " What darling," I ask, now very concerned. " Remember what happened when we put on Don Juan Triumphant fourteen years ago." I nod, " You stole me," I say but he nods, " Christine, darling, he is palnning to kill me again, just like he wanted to all those years ago." 

My heart dropped as I walked over to the bed and laid down. I started to uncontrolably sob and I felt Erik's arms as he held me close to him. " Don't make me go through this Erik, I can't I won't, I will not put you through this, I can't loose you," I sob. "Christine, I won't leave you, but you have to preform," he says. " Why," I ask, " because Christine, if we don't Hamelstine will think something is wrong and something much worse could come out of this." I bury my head into his chest, " I won't let you leave me, there has to be another way, I can't have you die, not now, I need you," I say. His hands bring my head up as he looks into my eyes. " We will get through this Christine, I promise you," he says softly. 

Twisted everyway 

What answer can I give

I am I to risk my life to win the chance to win?

Oh God is I agree what horrors wait for me?

In this the Phantom's Opera

Christine, Christine 

Don't think that I don't care

But every hope and every prayer rest on you now

Erik's POV 

I watched as the light in Christine's eyes faded as she cried. I did my best to calm her down. I made promises, ones that not even I know if I can keep. I realized that not even I could fully promise her that I would make it through this. She started to get ready and my heart felt a tug as she left my side. 

If I can't even promise my own safety, then what about Christine? 

I silently prayed that both her and I would survive this living hell. I grabbed my mask and wig. 

If its an opera Raoul wants, then it is an opera he will get. 

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