My Little Lottie

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Hey guys, I decided to write since school has been cancelled for the last three days, because we got snow, but like three inches, which is a lot for where I live, but anyways keep reading and voting. Enjoy!! 

Cosette's POV 

Something was not write with Madame Destler and the Opera Ghost, how comfortable they were with each other, the words that they shared, of how much they loved each other. These were not words that a woman would share with a man that was supposedly tortured her. 

I was determined to get to the bottom of this. 

Christine's POV 

I walked back down, careful not to show where I came from, even though Cosette knew about us. I decided to head back into my room, to rest for a little while. When I arrived I head to the vanity and grabbed a ribbon to pull up my hair. 

When I walked over to the bed a heard the crunch of paper underneath my feet. I look down and see that I'm standing on a letter.  I bend down and pick it up and I almost throw up, its the letter from Raoul. I know I was supposed to open it a few months later, but I decided to open it up anyway. 

Little Lottie, 

I hope this letter doesn't not give you fear, like my other's have. I probably know that you will open this sooner than I had hopes, you were always very curious. But still, there are some things that I need to tell you. 

I wanted to say why have been chasing your family, and this may make no sense to you but, I promised to. Your father saw the love I held for you even at a young age and knew we'd somehow end up together. So one day while you went to grab a book to read your father made me vow to keep you safe and after he passed away I made sure to keep it, no matter what. 

I want to apologize for being such a bastard to you, drinking and abusing you, it was just that every night I was so scared to loose you that I began to sometimes drink to get help me sleep. Soon the addiction kicked in and I was having a drink everyday. 

I have no reasons for why I would abuse you, and it was probably the worst thing I've ever done and I feel awful for doing it. I pray that one day you could forgive me. 

There is also something that I want to confine with you, share something that no one knows. I am very ill and the doctor said I have only a few years left. After I pass away I want you to care for Elliot, I just wanted to spend a few months with him before I passed away. 

I also want to left you know that I love you so much my Little Lottie. Although I know I am not the man for you, I wish I could have been so very much. I love you more than any other thing in my life except for my son. And because I love you so I want to tell you about what happened that one night. 

I found you on the streets, cold and unconscious. I changed your clothes and though I wanted to force myself upon you, I didn't have the strength to. I wish I told you, but I was drunk and stupid. And I wanted to say sorry for everything I have ever done, I just wanted to be yours, and wish that you loved me the way that I loved you so very much. 

That is why with the last words I want to tell you that Love Never Dies and I will watch over you in heaven my sweet Little Lottie. 

I guess this is goodbye. 

         Yours with regrets, 


I was crying by the time I finished. "Oh Raoul," I sobbed into the pillow. This was all to much to take in especially at one time. He had only wanted to uphold his promise to my father. I felt awful I just wish I could have known sooner, to forgive him, but Erik took that away from me. 

I was furious, I wasn't able to say goodbye to him, forgive him so he could die in peace, it wasn't unfair, Erik took it away from me.

Suddenly the door bursts open and in comes Erik. He has a smile and then his smile falters when he looks at my face. "Christine, what is wrong," he says walking over to my side but I shove him away. "Darling, please look at me," he says, trying to coax me to face him, but I refuse. 

"You killed him," I whisper, "all he ever did was love me and you went and killed him," I scream at him. "Christine, please stop this madness, what are you talking about," he asks me confused. "Raoul,"I say and his smile drops, "I read his letter, he wanted to keep a promise that he made to my father and you go off and kill him before I could say goodbye, he came to say goodbye and you killed him," I scream. 

"What do you mean," he asks me and I become furious. "He was dying you fool and he came to say goodbye to me one last time and you killed him before he could, I wasn't able to say my goodbyes, because you killed him out of cold blood," I yell. 

"Christine, ple-" he tries to soothe me but I push him away. "Leave, go away," I say, looking at him dead in his eyes. "Chri-" he starts but I cut him off, "Don't you dare Christine me, I will not submit to you this time," I tell him. 

"Alright, I'll leave if that's what you wish," he says. He wraps his hands around my waist and grabs my chin gently and turns it to look at him. "Please don't hate me,all I wanted was to protect our family," he says and I feel the hurt in his voice and I try to stay strong but I started to give in. 

"Oh Erik," I say softly, "I could never hate you," I admit and his eyes light up a little bit more. "So do you forgive me," he asks slowly. "I...I-," I try to stay strong, but his voice was playing tricks with my mind. "It's alright if you don't I'll leave," he says removing his hands from my waist and walking towards the mirror. 

"Wait," I say as I began to think, and he turns around, "please don't leave, I can't sleep without you,' I say, feeling the loneliness in my heart. He opens his arms and I openly run into them, feeling the warmth of his touch. 

"Well come on then, I suppose we should be heading off to bed then," he says kissing my cheek. "I'll get changed," I say heading into the bathroom and slipping on a nightgown. When I walk back I see Erik lying on the bed, his shirt off. 

I gently hop in the bed and curl up next to him, laying my head on his chest. He kisses my head and then wraps his arms around my waist, pulling me closer to him. I look up at him and remove the mask, setting it on the other side of me. 

"There,"I tell him, kissing the side of his face, "much better." He smiles at me, "You are perfect Christine," he kisses me lips softly, "and I don't know what I would do without you." I smile at him, gently rubbing his cheek. 

"You'll never have to worry about that," I tell him and grab his hand and our finger intertwined. "Because I will always be here," I say and he smiles. I lay my head back on his chest, our fingers still intertwined, "Good night," I say softly. 

Say you'll share with me one love one lifetime

Lead me, save me from my solitude

Say you'll want me with you here, beside you

Anywhere you go let me go to

Christine that's all I ask of you

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