She Knows

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Hey guys, I wan to thank you for 7.5K reads, you guys are phenomenal. I hope you guys enjoy and keep reading and voting, enjoy!! 

Christine's POV 

Six Months Later

"Christine," Erik says, breaking me from my thoughts. I turn around and see him holding a letter, "I'm going to send it," he says and I realize what he's holding. "What if they don't come," I say, feeling doubt cloud my mind. "They'll come," he says, walking over and rubbing my shoulders. "It's been a year Erik, a year without any contact," I say, "they hate me, I know." 

"Christine, I can assure you," he says, tilting my head to face his, "they'll come, I assure you." I nod and walk into the bathroom, "Send it," I tell him. He pops his head in as I turn on the water, "Are you okay Christine," he asks me. "Yes, I'm just feeling stressed, you know with the performance and everything," I tell him and he slowly nods. 

As I let myself sink into the tub there is a loud knock at the door. I give a frustrated sigh and hop out, grabbing a robe. I tie it as I walk to the door and when I open it I see a familiar face. "Firmin and Andre," I say excitedly. 

I look down and see my attire, "If you both wouldn't mind, I need to change," I say excusing myself. I slip on a light weight dress. I open the door and walk out, "What brings you back to the Opera Populaire," I ask them as we walk through the halls. "We heard of the new opera opening so we decided to get tickets, did you happen to know the show is one night only," Andre asks. 

"Yes, my husband did it," I say and they nod. "Madame, do the workers know of you and him," Firmin asks me quietly. "No, we kept it a secret it will be revealed when he performs," I reply, making sure no one heard me. "Well, I'm happy for you, I hear your children will be coming in from Scotland, am I right," Andre asks niavely. 

I hold down a sob as I nod my head, "It's been a year since I've seen them, this performance is massive so I haven't had time to visit them," I say softly. "I'm sorry to hear that Madame Destler," they say softly. "It's alright," I tell them, "I just hope they can make it, the show performs on Saturday," I say. 

"That only gives them three days," Andre says. I nod, "One day for it to ship, one day from them to leave, and then they arrive Saturday before the performance, I know we cut it very short," I say, "but things have been chaotic," I admit. 

"If you don't mind Madame Destler, as a personal favor, could we see and exert from the number," Firmin asks. "Well rehearsals are currently going on, there is one aria I haven't performed for them that I promised to today, would you like to observe," I ask them and they smile, "that would be wonderful Madame Destler." 

I smile back and walk into the theatre and I see the ballernina's working on their turns and they all stop and gently courtesy when I walk in. "Ladies and gentlemen, this is Monsieur Andre and Monsieur Firmin, they were the old managers of this theatre," I say and there eyes widen. 

"You were when he was," someone asks from the back. "Trust me you have no ideas," Andre says and Firmin nods. "They wish to see the aria I will be performing today, from the opera," I say. "What song will it be Madame Destler," Firmin. 

"A song only one person had heard before," I say slowly, "the song for my Father," I say as tears began to form in my eyes. I motion at the mistro and he begins to play the music. I look and see the prop used for the performance, a replica of my Father's grave. I knew it wasn't real, but it still feels real and it hurts just the same. 

You were once my one companion

You were all that mattered

You were once a friend and father

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