Lost and Gone

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Hey guys, I am very sorry for not updating sooner but I was on break and very busy keeping up with school. in other news my school is going to attend Les Mis at our local theatre. My friend is in the production. I hope you all enjoy and keep reading and voting. I love you all and thanks for 9K reads. 

Christine's POV 

I woke up to a sharp pain in my stomach, disturbing my peaceful sleep. I look beside me to see a peaceful sleeping Erik. I gently hop out of bed, but before I could make it to the bathroom my legs give out and I begin to fall. As I do I accidentally knock over a candle stick causing it to fall, making a loud clanging sound which woke Erik up. 

His eyes open and he sees me lying on the floor and he rushes over to my side. His eye search over my body for any signs of injuries. He gently wraps his arms around me as he gently lifts me up carrying me to bed. 

As he lays me down another sharp wave of pain courses through my stomach and I scream in agony. "Christine," Erik say frantically as he lays my in his lap. "Erik," I say, my voice stuttering, "it's alright," I strain to get out, the pain becoming unbearable. "No we must get you to a hospital," he says as he tries to get me up, but as he lifts me up I feel another wave of pain and I collapse back onto the bed. 

"I'll go get the doctor," he says getting up slowly trying not to disturb me. "No," I say as the pain eases up, and I felt myself relax. "No, Christine, you could have illness," he says walking over and gently stroking my hair. "Believe me Erik, it's nothing like that," I say laying my hand on his. 

"Then what is it," he asks me as he gently gets in next to me. I lay my head on his chest, "It's a miscarriage," I say softly, tears welling up. He looks at me, eyes wide and scared, "You... you were pregnant," he asks slowly. I felt a tear slide down my face, "Two months along," I say, brushing the tears away. 

"Why didn't you tell me," he asks slowly, his voice filled with pain. "I was going to keep it a secret, and I was going to surprise you, after the opera," I sob, trying to force the words out, feeling sorrow and pain fro my loss. "Did you just.... you know," he asks nervously, not knowing how to say it gently. 

"No, I lost her yesterday," I say, remembering the pain that I went through in secret. "Her," he asks softly, and I could hear the pain in his voice. "I wouldn't know, I... I just thought that it could be," I say softly. I slowly get out of bed, ignoring Erik's tries to lay me back down. 

I go into my drawers and grab the item I was looking for. I conceal them in my hands as I walk back to Erik. I sat down next to him, "I even made her these," I say holding up a pair of pink booties. I hear him sigh as I look down feeling an overwhelming course of longing and loss surge through my body. 

I look up to see Erik clutching his head in his hands, "It's all my fault," he says so quietly I almost couldn't hear him. I gently lay my hand on his shoulder, "Please Er-," I start but he shoves my and away as he stands up, walking away from me. 

He walks over to the nightstand and knocks the lamp down, screaming in anger, causing me to flinch. "Don't Erik me Christine," he screams, making my heart break even more. I nod and stand up grabbing my coat as I walk out the door, ignoring his pleas and attempts to call me back.  

I look at the booties I have in my hand and I turn towards the kitchen. I walk in and grab a box, laying the booties in them as well as some of the flowers laying in a vase. I hold the box and walk out the door towards the stables. 

A stable hand greets me, "Where to Madame Destler," he says. "To the cemetery," I say softly, "my father's grave." He nods as he grabs the nearest horse, attaching him to the carriage. Once he has finished I hop in, setting the box on my lap. 

I lay my head back as the world around me fade into the background. Tears begin to slide down my face as I remember the joy of making these shoes, excited that the doctors were all wrong, I was able to have another child, excited to be able to bear one for my husband. 

I was excited that I could possibly have another girl who's hair I could braid, one that Aria and Charlotte could play dolls with, while Erik played with Marius, Gustave, and Casper. But all of that I just a silly dream that I had. 

A dream that I should have known wouldn't have ever been able to happen. I had even gone out the next day to the shops, looking at all the little girl's clothes, the bows, and the dresses. I saw a beautiful blue outfit that would have gone beautiful with her little blue eyes I prayed that she would have. 

Her voice would have been wonderful, just like her sister's, they would have sounded lovely together. I pictured her being taught to sing by Erik, and I would teach her dance when she came of age. Erik would have been the over protective father that he was to Aria and Charlotte. 

I imagined our whole family having a picnic in the fields, back home. We sat there eating candies and snacks, as Erik chased the little ones around the field, playing a game they would have made up. I saw myself sitting there with an umbrella watching them play, giggling as they tackled him. Then as the years went on I saw our little girl being married to the man of her dreams and later on we played with our grandchildren. 

But that was just a silly dream, I should have remembered the warnings of the doctors'. I should have known something like this would have happened. 

I was snapped out of my daydreaming by the sudden halt of the carriage. The young man helped me out and I made sure to tell him to head back, I needed time by myself. I open the doors and memories hit me, of times Erik and I would visit my father, when I escaped from the Opera House and came here to free myself from Erik's grasp, only to be pulled back in. 

But this time was different, I came not to grieve for my father, but for my daughter, one I would never see, or never hold. The familiar path lead me to my father's grave, and I memories hit me, as well as a feeling of doom, a feeling that I was cursed to never have the ones I love live. I opened the doors, and saw my father's casket lying in the center of the crypt, making the feeling feel more realistic, reminding me of the loss of all my loved ones, wondering which one was next.  

I gently set down my daughter's box, wishing Erik was by my side, except he wasn't, just the cold morning air. I walked out, not being able to bear the overwhelming feeling on death and sadness that was the graves of my daughter and father. Not being able to feel as if the ghosts of my past were haunting me, teasing me over my loss. 

I sat down on the stairs and let out all of my emotions. "Why," I gently cry to myself, "why must I have lost my daughter," I scream, the feeling of loss coursing through my veins. I heard the sound of horse hooves and I looked up to see Erik. 

His eyes showed relief as he hopped of his horse. "Chris-" he starts, but before he could finish I ran into his arms and kissed him. He seemed shocked by the kiss, but slowly started to kiss back. His arms tightly wrapped around me, pulling me closer to him. 

I feel tears sliding down my face and he gently begins to kiss them away. I bury my head into his chest, as I continue to sob. He gently strokes my hair, "Sh, it'll be alright Christine," he says softly, his voice calming me. "We need to name her," I say, finally speaking, breaking the silence surrounding us. 

"Elisa," he says, and I look up at him, "That's beautiful," I say as a painful vision of my daughter flashes in my mind. "Let's go home," he says softly as snow begins to fall all around us. I nod, gently kissing him before we make our way out of the cemetery, hoping that we could leave the ghosts of our pasts behind us. 

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