Down Once More

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 Hey guys, I am super sorry for not updating yesterday, I know I promised. We changed the dates of when we were leaving for Christmas, which resulted in our family getting everything done. Anyways I hope you guys enjoy and keep reading and voting. I love y'all and Merry Christmas, or happy holidays.

Christine's POV

I am your angel of music

Come to me angel of music

A familiar melodic voice calls me out of sleep. My eyes flutter open and I see myself lying on Erik's chest. His arm's are wrapped tightly around my waist, pulling me closer to him. " Good morning darling," I say, greeting him. " Good morning angel," he says back, kissing my cheek.

I look him in the eyes and I see that his mask was removed. My hand instinctively lays on his cheek and I gently rub my thumb across his face. " Is there something wrong Christine," Erik asks. I smile at him and nod, " No darling, just very happy that you didn't wear your mask." He looks surprised, " You, my darling are one of the very few people that would say that." I nod, " Quite frankly they don't know the man behind the mask, just what the stories say. I personally know that you are a wonderful husband and father, which is all I could ask for."

I suddenly feel his hand slide around my legs as he swiftly picks me up. He makes his way over to the piano. " Sing for me," he says softly in my ear. " Only if you will sing with me." He nods as he makes his way over to the piano.

No thoughts within her head but thoughts of joy

No dreams within her heart, but dreams of love

Go away for the trap it is set and waits for it's prey.

You have come here

In pursuit of your deepest urge

In pursuit of that wish which till now

Has been silent


I have brought you

That our passions may fuse and merge

In your mind you've already succumbed to me, dropped all defenses

Completely succumbed to me

Now you are here with me

No second thoughts

You've decided


Past the point of no return, no backward glances

Our games of make-believe are at an end

Past all thought of 'If' or 'When', no use resisting

Abandon thought and let the dream descend

What raging fire shall flood the soul?

What rich desire unlocks its door?

What sweet seduction lies before us?

Past the point of no return, the final threshold

What warm unspoken secrets will we learn?

Beyond the point of no return

You have brought me to that moment when words run dry

To that moment where speech disappears into silence, silence

I have come here hardly knowing the reason why

In my mind I've already imagined our bodies entwining

Defenseless and silent now I am here with you

No second thoughts, I've decided, decided

Past the point of no return, no going back now

Our passion play has now at last begun

Past all thought of right or wrong, one final question

How long should we two wait before we're one?

When will the blood begin to race

The sleeping bud burst into bloom?

When will the flames at last consume us?

Past the point of no return, the final threshold

The bridge is crossed, so stand and watch it burn

We've passed the point of no return

Victoria's POV

Raoul silently leads me to a pathway in the darkness of the theatre. He grabs my hand as we slowly descend down the long hallway until be come across a room. I look up and see a name.

Christine Daae

I'm confused at why Raoul brought me here. He walks over to her mirror, which is slightly cracked. With one quick shove, the mirror opens revealing a passageway. His hand grabs mine as he leads me down the dimly light hallway.

We arrive at what looks like a river down the room. Raoul hops in and I slowly follow him, cursing whoever came up with this idea. As we inch closer to his lair, I can hear two voices. I immediately recognize Christine's voice, but then a melodic seductive voice joins in with her. We finally make to the lair, only to be shut out. I look at Raoul and I see the longing in his eyes when he looks at Christine.

Why are we here? What does Raoul plan to do?

Christine's POV

We finish and Erik's arms are tightly gripped on my waist. My hands slowly cup his face and I kiss him. He immediately wraps his arms tighter around my waist as he pulls me closer to him, deepening the kiss. One hand is wrapped around my waist while to other has grabbed a clump of hair as he gently tugs on it, causing me to moan. He starts to make his way down my neck and I turn my head, and I see two people standing at the door.

  " Erik," I say half moaning and half speaking, " we have guests." He snaps up and looks at them and glares at Raoul.

Monsieur, I bid you welcome.

He slowly walks up to the gate and opens it and I rush over to the water's edge. Erik starts to walk closer to me and I can see Victoria behind Raoul and I curse. Of all the people that he could have brought, he brought her. " Raoul, why did you come here," I ask, half annoyed. " The question Christine is why were you kissing him," he says, become over protective.

" For one , he is my husband and two, because I can," I say and walk next to Erik. " Yesterday you were confessing you love for me, know you are kissing another man," he spits at me. " When did you become so concerned of what I do, might I remind you I'm not married to you," I spat. " You may not be married to me, but you belong to me." I'm standing there shocked, " how do I belong to you, you kissed me, not vice versa." I can see him becoming outraged, " You have a child with me Christine."

 Erik turns to face me, his eyes full of anger, " What is he talking about Christine." I walk closer to him, but he shoves me away. " I don't know what he is talking about Erik, please I belong to only you," I say as I lay my hand on his shoulder. " You know what I mean Christine, your eldest son, he can't possibly be Erik's," he says. Erik laughs, " Why Vitcome, I most certainly know that that child is mine." Raoul stands there confused, " What do you mean."

  I walk forward, " I should have told you earlier, before we were married, I went and found Erik and well we," I try to say. " She came to me and we made love, then she conceived Marius," Erik quickly says. I can see Raoul becoming enraged, " You slept with a man before we were married, you slut I should kill you for sleeping with another man." I then feel myself becoming mad, " How dare you say that Raoul, I can count the times that you brought other women home or came home with perfume and lipstick all over you," I scream. " You cheated on Christine, you are an even bigger fool than I though Raoul. Its time to teach you a lesson about hurting my wife," Erik says cunningly. I turn and I see Erik pulling out something.

Oh dear God, please don't have history repeat itself.

" Remember dear Victome, keep your hands at the level of your eyes."

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