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Hey guys, I want to get a quick update in before I spend the holidays with my family. I hope you guys enjoy and keepreading and voting. I love you and thanks for 14K!

Christine's POV 

"Mama, mama," I hear a voice cry, waking me from my peaceful sleep. I groggily open up my eyes to see little Charlotte standing in front of me. "Good Morning Little Lottie," I say, smiling at my sweet daughter. "Mama, there's screaming up on the balcony, I could hear it from my room," she says, clutching her ears. 

"I'll go check on it, you go wake up the others, and maybe we'll go get a pastry from the bakery," I say and her eyes light up as she runs out the room. I look back at Erik and gently kiss his cheek before slipping on another dress and heading out the door. 

I step into the lobby and I see Elisa running down the stairs and I grab her arm. "Slow down child, what is wrong," I say, noticing her tears. "Mar.. Mar-," she tries to say, but her tears choke up her words. I can hear footsteps and I look up to see Marius running in, with Cosette at his heels. 

"Elisa, please I didn't mean for it to end up this way," he says and she rolls her eyes, and I could see the pain in them. "End up like what Marius," she screams at him, "for you to sleep with another woman." My jaw drops as I look back at him. 

"I would never purposefully hurt you like that, you know that Elisa," he says, trying to grab her arm, but she pulls it out of his grasp. "Then why," she cries, "why did you sleep with another woman?" I see Cosette standing there, her cheeks flushed with shame. 

"Because I love her," he cries and I can see more tears in Elisa's eyes. "You loved me, yet you never wanted to lay with me," she screams back. "Because I wanted to wait," he cries, and Elisa gives frustrated sigh. "But you still slept with that," she sneers pointing to Cosette. 

"I'm sorry, it was just a spur of the moment thing," he says and I finally understand what was happening. "You know what Marius, don't ever try to contact me ever again, not as friends, not as lovers, just forget that we even knew each other," Elisa says coldly as she walks away. 

As soon as the door shuts I turn around and look at Marius. "Mother-" he starts but I raise my hand. "For God's sake Marius have you any shame," I ask him and then I look at Cosette, "And you, before the night of our Opera, if this even effects your performance so help me," I say and she nods. 

"Please forgive me, I meant no trouble, I just loved him so much and I wanted to prove it to him," she says sheepishly and my heart softens. 'It's alright child, I understand," I say softly and she looks at me, "You meant it?" 

I nod, "The same thing happened with Marius' father, I just hoped that my son wouldn't do the same thing," I say looking at him. "Well, now that this little problem has been solved, I was going to take you siblings for some breakfast before we will begin to get ready for tonight, would you two care to join us?" 

"Are you sure I should come," Cosette asks me. "Of course child, you are family now," I say, laying and hand on her shoulder. "Okay, get dressed the both of you, we meet back here in ten minutes," I say and the look at each other and smile before walking upstairs. 

I walk back into the room to see a very stressed Erik. I gently shut the door and he runs towards me and grabs me. I am shocked by this spur of the moment contact, but willingly embrace him back. "Erik what is wrong," I ask him. 

"I.. just thought that you... um had.." he says trying to make a complete sentence. "Did you have another night terror," I ask him, gently laying a hand on his face. "Yes," he says looking down and my heart breaks. "Please Erik, what happens in these night terrors," I beg him, and he sighs as he sets me down on the bed. 

"I always have these dreams that I am held back at gun point and each of the men, who hide their faces have there way with you and then after they've finished they make me watch them kill you, sometimes they do it quickly, other times they do it slowly and they make me listen to your cries of pain and torture and it drives me mad, Christine." 

My heart shatters, "How long have you had them," I ask him. "That night eleven years ago, when you left me, I would drink and do crazy things that made me have hallucinations," he says slowly, "they've driven me mad." 

I feel the tears sliding down my face as I bury my head onto his chest. "I never should have left you," I sob. "Oh God I'm sch an idiot," I cry. Suddenly I feel Erik titling my head to face him, "Listen to me Christine," he says, "you never knew, you just wanted to protect Gustave from me, I understand." 

"But I kept him secret from you for six years, I told you he died, which made your drinking worse, I know, because of my selfishness you went crazy over something that wasn't even real," I cry. 

"But then I found out that you delivered my second son and we became a family," he says smiling, "and I wouldn't trade that for the world." I smile, "Really," I ask him and he nods, "Truly." 

I wrap my arms around his neck as I gently hop into his lap. "Forgive me," I say softly as I place soft pepper kisses all over his face. "I always will my Christine," he says and I smile, "Even if I left you for Nicolas, would you still forgive me then," I say teasing him. 

Suddenly he flips me around, laying me on the bed. "No then I would just have to keep you looked up in this room, until you remembered that it was me that you truly loved," he says softly. "But what if I cried in agony over the loss of my one true love," I say, dramatically clutching my heart. 

He doesn't answer me, instead he kisses me, at first softly, but the it becomes more passionate and I can feel the electricity between us. I wrap my arms around his neck as I pull him closer, til he was gently lying on me. 

He begins to softly kiss down my neck and I give a moan of delight and he looks at me, smirking. "Now what about Nicolas now?" "Oh he could ever compare to you," I say breathlessly and he smiles, "Good, the Opera Ghost doesn't like to share," he says as he gently kisses me. 

"Eww, Mama and Papa are kissing, gross," I hear Casper say and I look from under Erik as I see my little boy standing there with Charlotte and Aria behind them. "Well I think it's romantic," Aria says and Casper sticks him tongue out at her. 

"Children, I am a little tied up at the moment, so have Marius take you guys out and if he complains tell him that he better or so else," I say and Casper stand up tall at attention and I salute to him and he salutes back. 

"He's going to be a solider one day," I say, but before Erik could answer I see Marius at the door. "I just got orders from General Casper saying I was to take them out for breakfast," he says and then peers at our awkward position. "I'm sorry if I was interrupting something," he says smirking. 

"And for that little phrase, you will have to get something for your father and I to eat," I say and he nods, "Aye aye Captain," he says sarcastically, "have fun you two." 

He shuts the door and Erik begins to laugh. "What is so funny," I ask him and he just smiles, "You truly run this family," he says. "What's that supposed to mean," I ask him. "Nothing angel, I was just making a general statement." 

"Sure, well now that that's over I need to get some preparations for tonight," I say trying to get out from under Erik. "Please let me out," I say and he sighs. "What," I ask him, "You can have someone else do that for you, right now I have other things that are more important." 

I raise an eyebrow at him, "I what is more important then preparations," I ask him. "Well for one thing," he says and he kisses me. I try to shove him off, but he keeps perusing and finally I give in as he kisses my neck. 

"Preparations can wait," I say as he looks up at me and smiles before kissing me once again as we gave into each other's passions. 

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