The Phantom of the Opera

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Hey guys sorry for not updating, I had a very huge project which took up most of my time. I am mentally and physically exhuasted from it, but I still want to update. I hope you guys enjoy and keep reading and voting!! I love y'all. 

Marius's POV 

I turned Gustave's face away from the sight before him and shove him into the wings. Who would do such a thing? " Mother," I hear Gustave say, " Papa, where are you?" 

I find him and I see him walking around, " Gustave, what are you doing," I ask him. " Looking for Mother and Papa," he says. I listen for a second, " Gustave they aren't here," I say. " Wait do you mean they aren't hear," he asks. 

" Did mother ever tell you the story of the Phantom of the Opera," I ask curiously. He nods, " Once or twice, whenever she was upset," he tells me. " Would you mind telling it to me," I ask him. 

He nods and begins to start, " There once was a man who was shunned from society because of a scar covering half of his face. One day he disappeared from the traveling fair that his mother sold him to, all they found was the dead body of the man that ran his act. 

They stopped searching for him eventually. Madame Giry, who at the time was a young woman was the girl stole him away and kept him hidden in the catacombs of the Opera Populaire. There he grew up, becoming a genius,an architect, a designer, and most importantly a composer. 

While hiding among the Opera House he found a young Swedish girl who had recently arrived. After a few weeks of studying her, he realized she was a prodigy, unlike any other, with an angelic voice. She kept going up to the Opera's chapel, praying for her recently passed away father, asking for him to send her the angel of music. 

He soon realized how to teach her, by pretending to be the angel her deceased father promised her. Through the years he taught her, pretending to be the angel, she even called him that. Once she reached the age of sixteen, he decided that she should take over as the lead singer of the Opera House. 

He had begun to terrorize the people of the Opera House, fearing him, so he knew that he would be able to put her in the spotlight. While the Opera House was changing managers he put his plan into action, he dropped the poster used for the production onto the lead singer as they were rehearsing. 

He left a note for Madame Giry, who was now the ballet instructor, teaching the young girl. She informed the managers of the Opera Ghost, as everyone called him. When the primma donna quit, she suggested that the young girl should sing for the opera. 

The young girl timidly sings for her new managers, impressing them and she replaces the old singer in the opera. But just as they have to replace the managers, the patrons must be replaced soon. The patron just happened to be the girl's childhood sweetheart. 

He sees her preform at the opera and instantly recognizes her. He falls in love with her again and soon after the performance he tries to convince her to come with him, but she warns him, her angel of music is strict, she cannot be with any other man. Still the man convinces her and she begins to get ready. 

But as she's about to leave the room all of the candles burn out and she begins to feel the same presence she's felt for the past years. The angel scolds her for being foolish and she begs for him to stay by her side. The angel tell her to look in the mirror and she at last sees the man who has been teaching her for years. 

The Phantom of the Opera," he says. 

" Is there any more," I ask, now interested. 

" She follows him down to his lair, and sings to her, his unearthly voice putting her under his spell. She falls asleep and then has memories of this place, and removes the mask off of the man. He then, enraged, screams at her, yelling that she is just another person interested in his deformed face. 

She calms him down and he then takes her back, but at a warning, she can no longer be free from him. The managers are stunned at the disappearance of the girl and the patron arrives in, asking them where is lover as been taken.

They have all received notes from the Opera Ghost, warning the managers that if they don't put her in the old singers place and horrible accident will occur, far beyond their imaginations. The patron receives a note saying that if her angel of music as her and that he shall make to attempts to see her again. 

The managers, who are just as stubborn as ever, decide to go against the instructions. Just like the Opera Ghost says, a horrible accident happens, the death of one of their workers. The girl realizing that it was him, finds her lover and they escape up to the roof of the Opera House. 

There, the patron calms her and they admit their undying love for each other. Little did they know that the Opera Ghost was watching and he soon declares war on the man for stealing his only love and curses the girl for not doing as he instructed. A few months later the Opera House hosts a masquerade ball and the girl and the patron both attend, and they are now engaged. 

During the ball, the Phantom enters, giving the managers the newest Opera he had just written, Don Juan Triumphantt, and gives them instructions. He then announces to the entire group that he is the young girl's teacher. He rips the ring off of her neck where she kept it hidden, screaming that her chains are his. 

The patron runs after him, but Madame Giry stops him and tell him the story. The next day the girl goes to the cemetery to see her father's grave, sneaking past the patron. While there, the angel tries to steal her away, luring her with his voice, pretending to be her father. 

Just before she falls into his trap, the patron arrives and grabs her away, but the Opera Ghost fights the man, and just as the patron is about to kill her teacher, she stops him. The ghost, now furious at them, declares war on both of them. 

The patron tells the managers to put on the opera, knowing they can finally kill the man. The girl, scared that she will be stolen and refuses, but her lover convinces her. The opera begins and somethings happens that they did not expect, the Opera Ghost performs on the stage. 

The policemen who are assisting the managers and the patron prepare to shoot, but something happens, the girl blocks him with her body. The ghost then soon admits his love to her and she removes his mask i front of everyone. 

He becomes angry and cuts the chandelier and steals the girl away, again. This time he forces her into the wedding dress his made for her. The patron arrives just in time and the ghost ties him up, forcing the girl to choose between her lover dying and her freedom or saving her lover and staying with him.

The girl chooses to stay with the ghost to save her lover, by kissing the ghost. She soon finds out that she actually loves the man, but the ghost forces her to leave. 

Then on the day before she marries the patron, she goes to the lair again," Gustave says. 

" Well, what happened," I ask. " That's all she ever told me," Gustaves says. 

I begin to think, " Did mother ever tell you the names of the people," I ask. " No, just the story," he answers. " Why are you asking me this Marius," Gustave asks naively. 

" Because the story is true, which means that mother is the young girl and papa is the opera ghost. And that means that that man is the patron," I say, then it al of a sudden hits me. " Which also means that papa, killed that man." 

Gustave looks at me, " Which also means that mother and father are never returning to us, because father will be on the run and mother will follow him, anywhere he says," I tell him. 

" You're wrong, mother would never leave us, she loves us," Gustave yells. " No she doesn't she's obviously chosen father over us," I scream. " You don't know anything Marius, mother gave you up, you don't even know the half of it," he yells at me. 

" Whatever you say, we better get going, Annika will be looking for us," I say and we both leave the theatre. 

Goodbye mother and papa, I'll watch over the others for you. 

Love Never Falters (The Phantom of the Opera)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang