My Sweet Christine

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Thank you guys for 900 reads!! You guys are amazing and I love all of y'all. I hope you guys enjoy and keep reading and voting!! I love y'all. 

Christine's POV 

I opened my eyes to see Erik asleep next to me. I smile gently and softly stroke the side of his face. His eyes opened and my heart swooned as his eyes bore into mine. 

His hand gently brushed a hair out of my eyes and he gently kissed my forehead. " Good morning, angel," he whispers in my ear.  " Good morning," I say and gently lay my head on his chest. 

Ah, Christine, my Christine
What a triumph you gave me tonight
My Christine
All the dark silent years now set right
Ah, Christine

" I'll go make some breakfast," he says and kisses my head. " I'll be down in a minute," I say, getting out of the bed. I slipped on the nearest nightgown and headed in the bathroom. 

I looked at my reflection in the mirror and softly cursed Erik. My lips were swollen and there were red marks all over my neck. I roll my eyes as I walk downstairs. 

I smell a wonderful scent and I see Erik hovering over the stove. " Was all of this necessary," I ask him pointing at my neck. " You asked for it," he says smirking. " I ask for comfort, not for marking," I say.  He walks over to me and wraps his arms around my waist. " Forgive me," he says softly. 

I smile and gently kiss his lips, " Of course," I say. " Wonderful, I'm almost done," he says and gently kissing my forehead. " I'll make some tea," I say grabbing the kettle and placing it upon the hot stove. 

By the time Erik had finished setting the table, the kettle shrieked and I grabbed it off the stove and poured in into a pot with the tea bag inside. I grab a few cups and sit down at the table across from Erik. 

Erik places my plate in front of me, " It's alright darling, I'll just be fine with a cup of tea," I say. " Christine, is everything alright," he asks, a fear is laced in his voice. " I'm just not feeling terribly hungry darling, I'm sorry you wasted your time cooking," I say. 

His hand is suddenly placed on my face and turns me so I'm looking at him. " You promised me Christine, you promised," he says. " I just don't feel well darling, that's all," I tell him. Suddenly his arms lift me up as he carries me up to our room. 

" What are you doing Erik," I ask. " You said you didn't feel well, so I'm going to help you feel better," he whispers sweetly in my ear. I gently cup his face, and before I could speak the room suddenly became dizzy as I passed out in Erik's arms. 

Erik's POV 

I quickly opened the door to our room and laid her on the bed. I laid my hand on her head and it felt very warm. I run into the bathroom and grab the nearest rag and wet it with cool water. As I enter the room and I see her cheeks flushed in a sickly way. 

I lay the rag on her head and gently stroke her hair. " My sweet Christine," I say, " get better my angel." I quickly go out and quickly run to  downtown New York City and find the nearest doctor. 

I open the door and everyone stares at me. 

" It's Mr. Destler," A woman say from her newspaper and I look and see Christine on the cover. 

Is the oh so innocent songbird as sweet as her mask shows? More on page 5. 

" How can I be of you assistance Mr. Destler," the man at the counter says. " My wife has fallen ill and I need a doctor to come check on her," I say. The man nods and heads into the back. Minutes later a man comes out and shakes my hand. 

" Lead the way," he says and I begin to walk back to our house. I walk through the doors and I hear a loud thud and a cry of pain from upstairs. 

" Christine," I scream. 

Christine's POV 

I wake up in my room with a strong pain coursing through my head. I try to stand up, but the second my legs hit the ground, they give out from underneath me. I hit the floor and give a cry of pain. 

" Christine," I hear Erik scream from downstairs. " Erik," I say softly, my throat to sore to yell. I can hear the sound of footsteps and Erik runs through the door. " Christine," he says and quickly grabs me and scoops me up. 

" I tried to find you, but I," I start but he cuts me off, " it's alright Christine, I'm here it'll be alright." I tired to stroke his cheek, but I was too weak. 

He lays me softly on the bed and I turn around to see a man standing at the doorway. " Hello Mrs. Destler, I am Doctor Smith, I'm here to check up on you," he says. Erik stays next to me and the doctor begins examining me. 

He starts to gently press on my stomach and when he reaches the side, I scream in pain. " Mr. Destler if you do not mind, I will have to ask your wife to pull down her dress in order for me to see what's going on," the doctor asks. " Can't you just cut it," Erik asks protectively. 

I lay my hand on his arm, " If that's okay with you Mrs. Destler would you be okay with me cutting your dress," he asks politely. " Of course not I have many more," I try to say. 

He grabs a pair of scissors and gently cuts around the dress. When he sees the wound he looks at me, " Mrs. Destler, what happened here," he asks. I look at Erik desperately, " Is it nessecary to ask her that," Erik asks. " If I am to determine what is wrong I will need to know what happened," he says. 

" I was stabbed," I say and he looks at me with sorrow. " I am not going to ask anymore on that subject, but you do realize that you'll never going to be able to have children to the location of the wound," he says. " I was told so, but its quite alright I have five at home," I say, smiling thinking of the children. 

He just smiles and continues to examin the wound and around my hip. " Mr. Destler if you don't mind can I have a word with you outside," the doctor says and looks at me with sorrow. 

I start to panick," Wait what's wrong," I ask frantically, " wait don't leave me Erik," I cry.  He gently grabs my hand, " It'll be alright Christine," he says and kisses me. I gently cup his face as he softly kisses me. Erik steps outside the room. 

I can't make out what they're saying, but there is a pause in the converstation. I can hear Erik give a frustrated sigh and my heart beat begins to pick up. 

The door opens and I see Erik crying and I being to worry. " Mrs. Destler, I have a question, was there ever a time when you passed out for no apparent reason," the doctor asks. " I was at my father's grave and someone ragged me," I say softly, " but what does that have to do with this?" 

" Mrs. Destler, did you pass out after you were stabbed," he asks. " Yes, but again Dr. Smith, what does that have to deal with my stab wound," I cry frantically. 

" Mrs. Destler, the knife was placed expertly in a location that if not operated on within a few days will kill you."

And with that my world fell apart. 

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