He's There, The Phantom of the Opera

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Hey guys, sorry for not updating, I have had huge projects and a lot of homework as well as soccer and chorus. But anyhow, enjoy and keep reading and voting!! I love you guys. 

Christine's POV 

A beautiful voice gently wakes me up from my sleep. I open my eyes and smile at my husband as he sings to me. 

The day starts

The day ends

Time crawls by

Night steals in pacing the floor

The moments creep

Yet I can't bear to sleep

'Til I hear you sing

And weeks pass

And months pass

Seasons fly

Still you don't walk through the door

And in a haze

I count the silent days

'Til I hear you sing once more

And sometimes at night time

I dream that you are there

But wake holding nothing

But the empty air

And years come

And years go

Time runs dry

Still I ache down to the core

My broken soul

Can't be alive and whole

'Til I hear you sing once more

And music, your music

It teases at my ear

I turn and it fades away

And you're not here

Let hopes pass

Let dreams pass

Let them die

Without you, what are they for?

I'll always feel

No more than halfway real

'Til I hear you sing once more

 "So, this wasn't a dream," I say, smiling remembering last night. He cups my face and gently kisses me, "No, my sweet angel, it wasn't," he says and moves a piece of hair away from my face. "But what about, the police, what will happen," I ask, now heavily concerned. "They can't get us in Paris," he says, "No need to worry, we can arrive as just us." 

I look at him and nod, "We'll be safe," I ask him. "Perfectly safe," he says, embracing me and pulling me into a hug, while kissing my head. "What about the children," I ask. I feel him tense up, "Please, let's not talk about that," he says. 

I pull out of his embrace, and hop out of his embrace. "What do you mean let's not talk about it, these are my children you're talking about and for God's sake, yours, I say, my voice raising my voice. He gets up and tries to comfort me, "Please let's not argue," he says, trying to embrace me, but I shove him away. 

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