Jealousy (Wildcat x Brooke)

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IAMWILDCAT X Reader (A little short imagine. feel free to replace words to suit your character.)

Real Verse/ Popular Youtuber that plays with the crew.

Tyler's POV

Even if I did have a girlfriend of my own, Kelly, It couldn't take away my jealousy when I would listen or see Brooke fangirl over Cartoonz and Delirious on twitter or in a skype call. Her face reveal two weeks ago had garnered a lot of attention, for obvious reason that she was absolutely stunning and shy. Not at all the correlating to the competitive, sailor mouthed, raging girl I had known for five years now.

In the face reveal video, Brooke showed her quiet side, not really knowing what to say and often trailing off with awkward giggles here and there. She had thanked her 6 million subscribers then she had thanked her friends that she played with. Long black hair, with pale skin and freckles dotting her face, a hoodie, a heart choker, and large beautiful hazel eyes with dark lashes. Who couldn't love it..? But my silent possessive side plumed in rage at the fact everyone wants to love her now.. Evan and I were the first to even notice her 5 years ago. Prior to fame, girlfriends, money, and awards. I was the reason she had any skill in COD, I remembered when she used to go negative instantly.. But after months of grinding skill with me on skype, I trained her to be a total bad ass gamer.

We spent a lot of alone time together as well. In that alone time I would see that rare shy side, it would seem as if I got distracted by the persona she puts off in funny videos that I had completely forgotten of her constant mumbling, stuttering, and lack of capability to finish sentences.

I felt my glare harden at my phone screen, Twitter was open and I had been reading Brooke's tweets directed at plenty of other male youtubers.. I'd be lying if I said it didn't upset me. But I had a loyal girlfriend now I've been with for a year, she was asleep in our room we shared. In the house we shared, with our pets. How could I be so jealous?

I almost hated Brooke and would show it by lack of communication, lack of liking her well-put funny tweets, & lack of giving her any sort of recognition. I never even congratulated her on reaching six million subscribers. I wonder if she even noticed anymore? I wonder if she even misses our tight ass friendship.. Slowly over the past year we hadn't spoke and would only play together if others joined. Every time I had to communicate with her in the game session it was dry, sarcastic, and rough. I literally could not help it. YouTube felt dull.

She'd laugh along with Moo's shitty puns when everyone else would roll their eyes, but her laugh was beautiful.

Tears threatened my eyes but I held back instantly. I had always thought we'd be close and low-key the best friends, her fangirling of Jonathan and Luke never used to bother me because I was certain that her loyalty stayed with me. But now it is killing my insides and breaking me apart.

Did I love her? Or did I simply miss what we had? She grew up well over the years with the help of her online friends. I've known her since she was 16, and I was 18. When Vanoss first invited her into the lobby I thought she was a he.. At first she was quiet and dying immediately, I didn't know what to say or expect from a girl. So, I didn't help her out at first. Until finally it began with me giving her a simple tip which was raising her sensitivity level.

Back then Brooke was an annoying pathetic gamer who had to be carried.. But now she was beautiful and in the lime light.

I pressed the "tweet" button on my phone without realizing what I had been typing..

'@Shroom_brat Yo, wanna play some zombies?' My heart stopped for a second, a lot of retweets and hearts were given to it like usual.

Soon, she replied, 'Oh.. You mean like a recording session? @I_AM_WILDCAT'

I released my held in breath, watching the same fans show love on her tweet. A lot of them begging for us to do so like good old times. I felt a bit relieved.

'@Shroom_brat No, just chill and play some zombies then maybe we could record or something.'

That rage was gone, just by communicating with her again.. My passive aggressive nature passing by for now, just by tweeting her.. I missed this. The fact that she had been replying at all made me feel giddy.

'@I_AM_WILDCAT Okay! Just like old times, lemme get online! : D'

I smiled brightly, more than I should have.. A big fuck you to Luke and Jonathan, she would always secretly favor me more... If things could've been different prior of Kelly, I would have ran after Brooke.. No doubt.

But for now I suppose I could simply work on our friendship again. I love her.

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