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Rquested : Madeline/Rabbit x Delirious

Rabbit's POV

"Brooke, c'mon.. drink up!"

I'd smile at my fellow teammate who sighed and finally cave into my pestering. Being the only females, and rather young of Vanoss' group we often stuck together like glue, and protected each other from circumstances that were a bit unfair.. Unfortunatly, that was the price when dealing in the arena of Ganglife that was dominated by only males looking to fuck. In our time spent in this life, we both discovered that sex and seduction had been our upperhand. Lord knows how many times we dodged the bullet by seduction.

Brooke and I just finished the last bit that had been a complicated series of missions to get everything in order. It mostly involved pursuading CEOS, gathering equipment, and making sure everybody who knew about us kept quiet with some due payments anf blackmail. I prefered not socializing in this arena... too many unpredictable fucks that take things to heart. Next thing you know, a gun is pointed at your head, for absolutely no reason.

Luckily, we had been successful in all this, which is why we decided to spend the rest of our night in the penthouse hot tub with peach champagne, and taking a load off. Everyone else had either been sleeping or busy... I knew Vanoss and Wildcat were awake as for everyone else, I could care less...

"You know.." Brooke aloofly began, sipping the skinny wine glass and observing it. Her light brown hair loosly pulled up in a clip as she wore some thick mascara, tan skin, and blue eyes. Freckles dotted her face, sorta like mine.. I had fair skin though, with pale blue tone of locks.. I was also thicker in regards to body shape with some tattoos dressing my hips and arms " .. You and Delirious though.."

I'd watch her brows sassily perk up and down with her sly smile. I instantly smiled back widely, rolling my eyes. As of late.. Delirious has been growing on me. Her and I both knew better if he was trying to be sly, we weren't morons.

"He is getting atttaaacchhheddd." She purred out the obvious, stretching the last word. I leaned back against the tub wall, enjoying the hot bubbles and crossing my leg over the other.

"He thinks he is cute.. pinching my ass, putting his hands on my hips every chance he gets, calling me babe. " I sighed, but wouldn't deny that I enjoyed it.. Brooke knew it, which probably made it that much more entertaining for her.

"You should seduce him.. ya know.. get him back." She whispered knivingly, that playful glimmer sparking her eyes.. I smirked back, that wasn't a bad idea actually.

"But how..---"

"The usual.. act dumb and helpless.. that riles a man's ego. I do it to Evan and Wildcat all the time." She rolled her eyes, and I laughed lightly.

"I am too straight forward for that.."

"Yeah, I suppose. But a girls gotta do what she gotta do."

"That, I agree..." I took another long sip, finishing my cup and pouring some more. "Like, I know they are our leaders but they, in a round about way, submit to your requests. Its funny as hell."

Brooke couldn't help but to snicker, she put on such a good act with them, but I knew all her tactics into getting what she wanted from Evan and Tyler. Perhaps.. I should try it?.. On Delirious?

Would he fall for it? I'd have to be at a good opportunity to do so. My heart began to pound just thinking about that scenerio, did I really want to seduce Delirious, make him chase me like that? Lost in thought, I'd push a lock of hair behind my ears.


After another hour we decided to get out and see what we had to eat, still in our bathing suits. We went to the kitchen and looked through the fridge. Both of us tipsy, giggling and sorta being loud.

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