Neighbors (GMOD verse)

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You guys know the LootCrate sponserships Vanoss and everyone does with those cartoonish Gmod animations?

This is that.. so.

Wildcat x Brooke


-Wildcat - His GTA pig character.

-Brooke - Cute Barn-Owl character, Short & plump figure.

-Panda - Homeless character with the panda hat.
-Lui - Baby Lui character
-Ohm - Ohm's Character with the head bandana covering his eyes and nose.
-Delirious - His GTA  character.

And so on, and so on. ♡

Brooke's POV

"Hey, thanks again for watching my little brother Lui." Ohm stated, staring down at me from the opened door. His usual monotone and faceless expression not surprising me.

I set Lui onto my hip, one arm tucked under for support as Lui began clinging to me happily, he had a half-filled bag of gummy worms. I smiled up at Ohm who returned it briefly.

"No problem. What hour will you be returning?" He scratched his neck in thought.

"Uh. Well.. today is a guy's night out. Delirious, Cartoonz, Bryce, and I are going out to gamble with UNO cards at that new private bar." He chuckled, "So probably, in 10 hours. 8 PM."

"Cartoonz.. huh?" I softly trailed off, my heart beating a bit quicker. Him and I had a very private "dating" life. Cartoonz had given me flowers and chocolate last Valentine's day and we have been romantically involved for the last several months. Its a shame lately he seemed more preoccupied.. I was trying to give him space, but it hurt to know he was slowly moving on and bored of me. There wasn't anything I could do about it either.

I felt my heart grow heavy and emotional. It sucked to be pursued, and then finally after a long time, remove the layers of safety around one's heart just to be used up, again.

"Hey... C'mon, Brooke.. " I heard Ohm whisper, it must've been transparent. Immediately, my expression changed into a fake smile. I had other things to worry about anyway.

"So, 8 PM?"

"..Yup." He confirmed, I nodded..

"Have fun, okay?" And watched the man return to his car in my driveway.

"Thanks Again, bye Lui!" He drove off, Lui waved excitingly, I gently smiled at the little rascal but noticed loud rock music playing from my neighbor's yard.

Rolling my eyes, I took a step out with Lui still on my hip. Of course, it was Wildcat.

The pig was working on his white Corvette, like usual. If not, then he had friends over who shared his similar interest in vehicles. He looked up from the hood, eyeing the persistent child and I. Wildcat knew how much it pissed me off that he would play his music so loud, and for fuck sake it was only 10 AM!

"You wanna turn that down?" I yelled at him over the music, to which he lifted his eyebrow and shook his head.


"Can we go see Wildcat, Ms. Brooke..?" Lui asked innocently enough in his usual voice. His fingers and mouth sticky from the bag of gummy worms. "PLEAAASEEEEEE."

Mentally sighing, I nodded since the little guy also had a friendship with the crude man, he'd often baby sit when I couldn't. I would never know why. How could Wildcat have a relationship with a 4 year old? Is there something I am missing? Shutting the front door behind me, barefoot, I'd walk over to his yard and shyly approach the taller, intimidating neighbor.

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