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***WARNING. Immoral content.

So. This is gonna be based on where the whole Crew is cloned with evil twins, and the evil identicals live basically the same lifs style but they have more sinister appearances, attitudes, and line of work in the gang life. Just thought it'd be interesting~ Leave a star if you like it.

OH AND --- Plz read.

Evil Vanoss - Has a nasty scar dressing his lip, Black jacket with white Stripes on the arms, a permanent glare almost. He takes possessivness of Brooke to the next level which would be abuse, but often spoils her and shows her off in public.

Evil Moo - Dark Brown hair, grey/white gradient tank, hates puns. (The horror °~°) Not caring in the least, and only tolerates his partner Brooke, but they usually hate each other.

Evil Brooke - Same appearance but speaks mind and doesn't take any shit. Often physically abused by Evil Vanoss or Evil Brock if she disobeys or mouths off, because she is stubborn.

Evil Wildcat - Black heist suit, with a darker pig mask. Has absolutely no morals. Will go out of his way to abuse Miniladd.

Evil Miniladd - Not a smol cinnabun anymore, more like an angry tsundere. Darker hair, no glasses. Hates Wildcat.

Evil Cartoonz - should be doing life in prison. 10x more violently playful and has anger issues. Black clothes.

Evil Delirious - should be doing life in a mental asylum (Cuz delirious is chaotic already but just imagine what his evil twin would be p~p) Black Hoodie, Hair, and a synical aura about him.

Etc with everyone else.. but I am too lazy to write it out.

*Ev = The evil counter part. Like EvMoo

Evil MooSnuckle x Brooke


Evil Brooke's POV

Today had been the day of a festival at Del Perro Beach, and for some miraculous reason had EvVanoss decide that our gang to go and have fun for once, even if he had warned me to stay with EvBrock the whole time. I couldn't help but to roll my eyes at that.. I was gonna have fun, and hanging out with him was not at all fun. I glanced at my teammate from my seat at a table, he was trying to avoid any and all interaction with me as we had decided to get food before joining with the others.

Which was fine. I hated him anyway. His ideas were dumb and he used evVanoss rules as a way to control me and when I wouldn't oblige, he'd find pleasure in watching our leader punish me. The layered shell that covered my emotion was thick, and nothing was gonna get passed it, because I was used to it. They will have to kill me before I'd stop doing what I want.

EvBrock had even sexually abused me alot in the past when we were on missions alone together. I disliked saying the word abuse but it was the correct term in the normal world, in my world it had been all I knew so It could never hurt me in the first place. My partner was taller an stronger than me, with no remorse or emotion so he could easily pin me down.

Did I like it?

I almost physically scoffed at the idea, BUT perhaps I was indenial.

Loud music played, as everyone crowded and danced in thick groups. I wanted to join, be like those wild care free, half naked girls grinding on their male counterparts. But that had been completely forbidden by my leader, for me to interact with other men outside his group made him very vile.  But the thought still pulled me to ask "Brock, I'm gonna go to the bathroom."

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