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Wildcat x Brooke


Brooke's POV.

I could not take this anymore!

Stress? What had been this feeling, my body had been tensed all day and every other sound annoyed me. Sudden urges to yell at Nogla engulfed me but I knew better than to do so. His rage yelling pissed me off which was very unnatural, usually it made me laugh but I never noticed how loud and drawn out his screaming became.

I gulped, shifting on my spot at the couch trying to supress my own anger. He was playing Mariocart Wii with Miniladd and had kept losing to him on rainbow road.

"YOU ARE A SMELLY CUNT, MINILADD. I HOPE YOU GET FUCKING AIDS!" The irish male almost broke his controller slamming it down on the glass table. Craig, Droidd, Ohm, Marcel, and Brian had all been laughing.. sitting in their own spots of the living room. Wildcat watched from the large kitchen, chuckling to himself.

"Can you please be quiet." I suddenly stated without a second thought..  acting out on instinct. It was a firm serious voice that did not go unnoticed by anyone. I looked away soon regretting my urge to speak.

"No, fuck off Brooke. Go back to you dumb room if you are annoyed that bad. No one else gives a shit."

I felt tears prick my eyes, but they soon resumed their game. I tried batting them away but they stayed as sadness overcame me. Luckily, I was good at hiding it but whatever emotions that were altering myself had been very odd.

After a few minutes, when no one was paying attention I slipped back to my room without a word.


Wildcat's POV

I watched as the dipshits continue to play their dumb game and Brooke sly herself back to her room. Out of sorts that the girl would even speak her mind so suddenly, let alone be annoyed by Nogla. He was being a piece of shit, but usually not to her since she mostly never wanted to fuck with him or get on his nerves.

Putting the left over pizza away, I drifted down the halls, past the annoying screams of rage, and to her room door. I let my knuckles graze and knock on the cherry wood door to which soon opened.

Brooke had been in a hurry to wipe her eyes, but I could see her eyes slightly red in the stages of crying. The 16 year old looked so tense and put off by any movement, like she wanted to scream.

Before she could say anything, I allowed myself entrance and shut the door behind me. I suppose I had been giving her my standard "You aren't fooling me look"  even though I should've been a bit more supportive. I looked around her feminine room, noticing chocolate bar wrappers on her side table, a stuffed animal in her tight grip, and the movie Titanic laying on her TV stand.

She was apparently going through uncontrollable hormones. And since she lived with a bunch of men, she had not been taught how to deal with these emotions properly.

"What's wrong?" I frowned, watching the girl uncomfortably avoid my gaze and give me a cold shoulder.


"Brooklynn." A soft but stern warning provided her an opportunity to come clean and admit, help her to open up. The 4'11" girl sat on the bed, looking down at her fingers.

"I.. I don't know. All week I just have been feeling annoyed by everything! I feel ignored as well.. I just want to cry..." She whimpered out, I smiled at the pathetic teenager.

"There is this uncomfortable ache in my stomach too.. I hate it.."

... Was Brooke horny?


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