The Darkness Inside: Control

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((Hey guys sorry its been awhile I was away all weekend and had no access to my computer so please don't be too upset with me. I'm trying my best i swear! :) anyway thank you all for following along with this story, this is my first story about Dark and Anti and i'm so happy you are all enjoying it! ))

The next morning Mark's eyes open slowly to sunlight shining through the curtains, he rolls over with a groan to his side and blinks rapidly a couple times to clear his fuzzy vision. As his vision clears he sees Jack, lying next to him on the bed, his breaths short and steady. As Mark mind become more alert he realizes Jack was not only on the bed... he was shirtless.

"What the hell...?"

Mark mumbles under his breath his cheeks heating slightly. He sits up running a hand through his tousled hair and as the blanket slides off him he feels a slight draft, when he looks down he was also shirtless. His cheeks redden more and he quickly stumbles out of bed, bumping into the bedside table as he does. His eyes scan the room before landing on both their shirts in a small pile by the bed, he looks over to Jack once again, and thankfully their shirts were the only item of clothing missing.

Mark's eyes scan over the sleeping man's form, his somewhat muscled torso exposed and the blanket loosely off of him, his bandaged hand had bled through a bit, the bandages would have to be changed soon.

"What the hell happened...?"

Mark mumbles to himself scratching his head. He slowly walks over to the pile of shirts and grabs his, as he begins to slip it over his head he flinches and pulls it off again. As he reaches to feel his sore back he feels tender marks. Clearly scratch marks, they were in lines down his back, some near his shoulder and some more near the small of his back, they felt as though they were bleeding though it had stopped if they were. He feels them a bit more, wincing occasionally at the soreness before he looks over to the sleeping Jack once more his eyes narrowed curiously.

"Did he do this? What happened last night?!"

Mark mumbles to himself turning away to go the bathroom once again before he is stopped by a voice behind him.

"We had some fun Marky...."

The voice says behind him, its dark Irish accent clearly recognizable as Anti. Mark whirls around his eyes immediately landing on the green haired man, however he still laid down, his breathing steady and eyes closed. Mark scratches the back of his head once again narrowing his eyes in confusion. He knew he heard Anti however Jack still slept peacefully.

Mark shakes his head clearing his thoughts before finally walking into the bathroom, the one without the broken mirror, and he turns in the mirror examining the clawed marks in his back. Soon a form stands in the doorway, standing slouched and face sleepy Jack examines Mark, his tired mind not immediately processing they were both without a shirt. Jack yawns and stretches as his mind clears before his eyes land on the scratch marks down Mark's back.

Jack's eyes widen slightly as he rushes over, immediately becoming more alert. His hands gently trace the marks and his cheeks heat slightly as he realized they both were missing an article of clothing, however that wasn't his main concern.

"Mark what the hell happened?!"

Jack asks worriedly as he examines them, Mark's cheeks heat up as he pulls away slightly from the green haired man. He clears his throat trying to find a way to phrase what had happened.

"Well.... Uh...."

Mark says quietly as Jack looks at him. Jack's eyes shift slightly landing at himself in the mirror that held both their reflections. His eyes scan over his tired face before landing on a mark on his neck. It was a small red circle sitting right on the left side of his neck. His cheeks redden instantly as he realizes what is was... a hickey...

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