The Other Side (Sequel to Story Of My Life {Peterick Mpreg})

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"Great job performing, Em! You did great, as usual!" my manager said as he high-fived me as I walked backstage.

"Thanks! Always a rush!" I said as I smiled.

"You're meeting up with the fans, right?" he asked.

"Yup, just give me like five minutes and I'll be outside!" I said.

"Make it quick!" he said.

"I will, Dan!" I said as I ran off to my dressing room.

I ran down a few halls to my dressing room and quickly barged through the door. I said five minutes and that's what I intended to make it, nothing more, nothing less. I grabbed a different pair of skinny jeans and a differnt shirt. I quickly changed and fixed my hair a little better. I put on perfume and then ran back out the door.

"Where's Dan?" I asked one of the stagehands.

"Outside," they said.

"Thanks!" I said.

"Oh, and Emily," they said.

"Yeah?" I asked.

"Great job tonight! You really rocked it!" they said.

"Aww thanks," I said as I smiled.

I gave him another smile as I ran off and to the front door. Once I reached it, there was at least a hundred people out there. I took a deep breath and walked out. I was thankful that all the people were behind a barricade because I probably would have gotten tackled if it weren't for that.

"Ahh!" the crowd screamed as they saw me.

"Hey everybody!" I shouted as I waved.

"Em! Over here!" Dan shouted as he motioned me over towards him.

I smiled and ran over to him. They had a table set up under a pop-up tent and I took my place in the chair behind it. I always enjoyed meeting my fans, wait. Scratch that, family. I always enjoyed meeting my family. It brought a smile to my face everytime.

"Ok, you know the drill, dear," Dan said as he stood back.

"Yes!" I said as I smiled.

Dan smiled and then allowed the first few people to come up to me. It was usually always the same routine: Meet them, hug them, sign something, take a picture, and then talk for a few seconds. Even though it was short and sweet, I always loved it. After about fifty people or so, a boy, probably around the age of eightteen, showed up.

"Hey," I said as I smiled.

"H-Hi," he stuttered.

"You don't have to be nervous. I'm just another person, like you," I said as I smiled.

"I-I know, i-it's just that, even though I'm a guy, you've really inspired me and made me more confident. I was seriously going to kill myself about a month ago, but one of my friends, who's really my only friend, told me to listen to your music and well, it saved me. You mean a lot to me," he said.

"Aww, you're making me cry," I said as I chuckled and wiped the tear falling down my cheek.

"I-I'm sorry, I didn't mean to," he said as he turned away.

"Hey," I said as I got up and walked over to him. "Don't be. You didn't do anything wrong. I like hearing those things. It makes me feel amazing knowing that I've saved lives that felt like they couldn't go on. Thanks to you, you make my career enjoyable. I do this for you."

"C-Can I hug you?" he asked.

"Of course!" I said as I smiled and hugged him tightly.

He hugged me back and cried a little. I smiled and hugged him tighter. I've never come across a guy that's acted like this before, but it made me feel... Special. No, that's not the word... It made me feel wanted, believed-in, needed, and inspirational. People like him really are the people I do this for. I want to make a change.

"C-Could you also sign this?" he asked as he pulled my CD out from behind his back.

"Of course," I said as I smiled and grabbed my Sharpie.

What I wrote on there, I've never done before and probably won't ever again, but I felt as though he needed me, so I did it. I did my autograph and then wrote a little inspirational message, but that wasn't all. I turned my back to him and opened the CD case. On the booklet, I wrote my cell number in it, hoping he'd eventually see it and send me a text if he ever needed help. Something in my heart told me I should have done that, so I did.

*A/N* You know, I thought about this all last night after I got a comment about making another sequel... So, I thought "Why the hell not?"

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