Intermission (Patrick's POV)

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*A/N* Not like many of you care at the moment, but I'm sorry I didn't update for a few hours. I had to work for three hours and I just got home. I shall continue now!~

"Pete!" I yelled.

"Yes, love?" he asked as he walked down the stairs.

"We have to go get Ethan, remember?" I asked.

"Fuck!" he said. "Jaimee, I really wish you could drive at times like this!"

"Hey! At least I'm learning!" she stated.

"Point taken," Pete said. "Well, let me throw on a shirt and lets go."

"Make it quick," I said.

Pete smiled at me and then ran back up the stairs. Jaimee, who was sitting on the couch on her phone, got up and walked over to me.

"What's this?" I asked as she wrapped her arms around me.

"I just love you," she said.

"I love you too, hun," I said as I hugged her back. "Are you ok?"

"Yeah," she said.

"No, you're not. I've only known you your whole life and I know when you're not ok," I stated.

"I-I just really miss Emily. When is she coming home?" Jaimee asked, tears threatening to escape her eyes.

"Aw, hun," I said as I hugged her tighter. "She said sometime next month. I know that's a long time to wait, but she's on tour right now and she's pretty busy."

"I-I know, b-but I just miss her a lot," she said.

"Hey, what if I text her later tonight and see if she can call you?" I asked.

"Y-You'd do that?" she asked as she raised her head.

"Of course," I said as I smiled and wiped the tears running down her cheeks. "God dammit, Jaim, you're making me cry."

"Sorry," she said as she chuckled. "I hope Em can talk tonight."

"I do too," I said as I hugged her again.

"Don't you miss her?" she asked.

"Of course I do. She's my daughter and I'll always miss her and love her, even if she's in the next room," I said.

"I still remember the day she told us she was going on tour," Jaimee said.

"Me too," I said.

"I was really happy for her, but that meant that she'd be taken away from me for god who knows how long. I acted like I was happy, for your guys' sake, but on the inside, I felt like crying and screaming," she explained.

"Jaimee, is that true?" I asked as I pulled her off of me.

"Y-Yeah," she said, tears running down her cheeks again.

"Aww," I said as I gave her a tight hug again, a single tear falling down my cheek.

"W-When is h-her t-tour done?" Jaimee asked.

"Next month," I said "That's when her tour is done."

"Can that come now?" she asked.

"I wish, hun. Trust me, I wish," I said.

As Jaimee hugged me tighter and cried a little harder, Pete came rushing down the stairs, not even phasing Jaimee. He gave me a weird look, so I mouthed "Emily." Pete nodded his head and walked over by us. He went behind Jaimee and hugged her from behind, his arms wrapped around my waist, just above hers.

"I really, really hate to break this adorable family moment, but we have to go get Ethan from kindergarten," I said as I nervously chuckled.

"You're right," Pete said.

"Sorry guys," Jaimee said as she pulled away from the two of us, wiping her cheeks.

"Don't be," Pete said as he gave her an individual hug.

Jaimee smiled and hugged him back, then I quickly grabbed the keys and we ran out of the house, literally, and into the vehicle. We were already five minutes late, but I was so, so glad that we didn't live that far away from the school. I think I actually sped down the streets, getting looks from Pete in the passenger seat, while Jaimee was giggling in the backseat. I smiled at her a few times, and then laughed at Pete.

"And we are here," I said as I pulled into the parking lot.

I parked the vehicle, told Jaimee and Pete I'd be right back, and then got out and ran into the school. Ethan was sitting on a bench playing with the strings on his backpack.

"Hey buddy," I said as I walked up to him and smiled.

"Daddy!" he shouted as he got up and ran into my arms.

"I'm so sorry we're late," I said as I hugged him.

"It's alright," he said.

"You all ready?" I asked.

"Yeah!" he said.

I took his backpack and then took his tiny hand in my other hand. He and I walked, well more like ran because he pulled me along as he ran, out of the school, getting looks from a few teachers. It was kind of funny though and I didn't care. I'm having a fun time with my son! Nothign wrong with that! Anyway, once we got outside, Pete got out, smiled at Ethan, then Ethan let go of my hand and ran into Pete's arms.

"How's my little man?" Pete asked as he hugged Ethan tighter.

"Great!" Ethan exclaimed.

"Awesome! Now, what do you say we go home and, I don't know..." Pete said.

"Play with my trains?" Ethan asked.

"Yes!" Pete said.

"Lets do it!" he said.

Pete laughed and put Ethan in the backseat next to Jaimee. He smiled once he saw her and gave her a big hug. She laughed and returned it. Honestly, how'd we get such amazing kids that are do good with each other? Anyway, I jumped in the front seat and started the vehicle up again. I pulled out of the parking lot and then we were on our way home. Once we got home, Jaimee, Pete, and I got out. Pete opened Ethan's door and put him on his shoulders, making Jaim and I laugh.

"Watch your head," Pete said as he opened the door and ducked a little so Ethan wouldn't hit his head.

"You two are so weird," I said as I laughed and walked in behind them.

"Took you that long to figure that out?" someone asked from inside the house.

All four of us shot our heads up and looked towards the direction of the voice. I think I literally stopped breathing for a minute.

"EMILY?!" Jaimee shouted.

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