Slowtown (Emily's POV)

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*A/N* I'd just like to say that I am single again... AND NORMALLY things after a break up wouldn't go so well, but Liz and I are closer than ever and are acting insane LOL gotta love her xD

Ok, it's been almost an hour and Jack hasn't called or texted yet. I'm getting really nervous, but no one knows what's going on because I stayed up in my room. I've been pacing back and forth for a good half hour now, waiting for a text or call. I can't take this anymore. I've got to go tell dad and well, dad.

I turned around, ran to the door, burst through it, ran down the stairs, and instantly ran into Patrick's arms. He was standing in the kitchen and was definitely surprised by me doing that. I even made him scream a little.

"Em, hun, what's wrong?" Patrick asked, putting his glass down and hugging me tightly.

"Emily?" Pete asked, walking over to us. "Hun, what's going on?"

"Jack's mom had texted him saying she wanted him home, so that's why he left so suddenly and before he left, we were talking and we made a plan up: If he didn't call or text me within an hour, then I should go over to his house and check on him. He was really freaked out when he left because he was afraid of what his mom was going to do to him," I explained, tears streaming down my face. "I can't even imagine what she did to him. He hasn't called or texted."

"Oh my god," Patrick said. "Pete, come on, and you too Emily. We've got to get over there."

"Good idea," Pete said, running to the table by the front door and grabbing the keys.

"Jaimee, hun, we've got to go for a little bit. Can you please keep an eye on your brother until we get back?" Patrick asked, running to the door in the process.

"Yeah, that's fine," Jaimee said. "Bye guys!"

Patrick grabbed my hand and ran out the door with me. Pete was already in the vehicle and had it started, waiting for us. Patrick shoved me into the passenger seat, while he climbed into the back. I told Pete the address and he knew exactly where that was, oddly enough. After driving a good five minutes, we arrived at Jack's house and all seemed normal. We all quickly scrambled out of the vehicle, me tripping in the process, then ran up to the door. Pete wasted no time knocking loudly on the door, having it open a minute later by an older woman who definitely appeared to be drunk.

"You'd better tell me where Jack is before this gets ugly," Pete sneared as he pushed the lady up against the wall.

"I-I can't remember," she slurred. "G-Get your god d-damn hands off of m-me."

"Jesus fuc- Patrick and Emily, you two search the house while I hold her down," Pete said.

"Sounds good," Patrick and I both said.

Patrick took off in the direction of the basement, whereas I took off towards the living room and dining room. Patrick came up minutes later saying that Jack wasn't down there, as I said the same thing. We both searched the rest of the downstairs while Jack's mom was fighting with Pete, but Pete definitely was going to win that fight.

"Em, lets go check upstairs!" Patrick said as he ran to the stairs, nearly tripping and faceplanting into them.

"Coming!" I shouted as I ran up the stairs behind him.

Patrick and I split up, checking each room at least twice before moving onto the next room. While Patrick checked at the other end of the upstairs, I checked the last room on my side. I burst through the door and that's when I saw a sight I won't forget. Ever...

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