Switchblades and Infidelity (Patrick's POV)

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"Pete! Look! I can't wake her up either!" I shouted as Pete just stood there in complete disbelief. "Pete! Come on! I know this is hard, but snap out of it! This is your daughter!"

Moments before I yelled for Pete the first time, Emily looked like she was getting dizzy and when I'd talk to her while still trying to wake Jack up, she either wouldn't respond, or she'd respond moments later and her words not put together right. I didn't expect today to turn into a life and death situation...

"Pete, give me your pocket knife," I said.

Pete, still in shock, but kneeling down by Emily, reached into his pocket and grabbed his pocket knife. He handed it to me and I wasted to time cutting Jack's shirt off of him. I thought that that would maybe help because it helped me when I passed out at the show that Emily performed with all of us at. With the pieces of his shirt in my hands, my instincts kicked in and I made the best thing I could so that I could tie it around Emily's shoulder to keep pressure on that spot that was bleeding terribly by now. As I finished fastening the pieces of fabric to Emily's shoulder and keeping pressure on the spot, Pete and I both heard sirens pull up in front of the house.

"Thank god," Pete and I both breathed a sigh of relief.

"Hello?!" someone shouted.

"Up here!" I shouted. "Please hurry!"

A man ran up the stairs, followed by another man and a women. Thank god for EMTs. They asked what had happened while they worked on Jack and Emily first, then Jack's mom. They quickly rushed Jack and Emily downstairs and into the ambulance, then came back up and looked at Jack's mother a little more. They said she was fine, just scraped up a bit, well ok, a lot. Pete had definitely done a number on her... The cops that showed up though gladly took her and put her in the back of their police car. I have a feeling she'll be spending a while in jail for what she's done...

As they left with Jack's mom, Pete and I both followed them outside. We were put into the front of the ambulance by the driver, since they were already full in the back with the paramedics and then Emily and Jack. God, I hope they're both ok...

"Patrick, they're both going to be alright," Pete said, grabbing me and putting me in his lap while I cried.

"I-I hope, it's j-just that that's o-our daughter, P-Pete. I-It's so s-scary," I said.

"I-I know," he said, tearing up a little, his voice breaking. "It's all going to be ok."

Pete and I stayed that way until we arrived at the hospital minutes later. Once we pulled up to the doors, Pete and I instantly got out and ran into the hospital with the paramedics. We were abe to follow them only about twenty feet before we were told that we couldn't go with them. We understood, but obviously didn't like it. Pete took my hand and led me to the waiting room, where I instantly collapsed into his arms and cried again. This is going to be a long night...

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