Alone Together (Jack's POV)

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"You're back," I said as I sat up on the bed and smiled at Emily as she walked in.

"Yeah," she said as she smiled back. "Sorry I took so long. Pete woke up and we talked a little."

"It's fine," I said. "So whatcha got there?"

"Well, I hope you'll consider staying the day and possibly having a movie marathon," she suggested.

"Dude, that sounds awesome!" I said as I smiled.

"I agree," she said as she laughed. "So, I only grabbed a few, but I have Ghostbusters, you know, a classic, The Purge, a newer kick-ass movie, and then one from my childhood: Finding Nemo."

"Oh my god, don't judge me, but I love Finding Nemo," I said.

"So do I!" she exclaimed, making me laugh. "Then I shall put it in?"

"Yes ma'am!" I said as I smiled.

Emily gladly grabbed the movie, put it in the DVD player, then grabbed the remote and sat back down by me. Truth me told, and do not judge me, I REALLY did love this movie. It seriously was my favorite movie as a kid. I used to watch it with... My dad... All the time. We'd sit on the floor together, under a blanket and pillow fort we'd made, eat popcorn, occasionally throwing some at each other, then watch the movie. We did that at least once a week, literally. God, I miss him... Like I said before, ever since he died, my mom has been drinking and became abusive... I wish my dad was still here. He's the only one that ever got me, ever knew how I was feeling or what I was thinking. He always knew how to help me on my bad days. He made me laugh when I didn't want to... He was there for me.

"Jack? A-Are you crying?" Emily asked.

I guess thinking about my dad was making me cry and I didn't even realize it... Now I'm sitting here looking like an idiot and crying at "Finding Nemo"...

"N-No," I said, turning away and wiping my cheeks.

"Jack, hun, what's wrong?" she asked, pasing the movie.

"I-It's just that, uhh, my dad and I used to watch this movie all the time under blanket and pillow forts while we ate popcorn and had popcorn fights... I know, it's stupid," I sniffled.

"Aww, Jack, I'm so sorry," she said as she hugged me. "I can take the movie out if you'd like."

"You don't have to," I said as I hugged her back.

"I'll do anything for you," she said as she got up and took the movie out.

"T-Thanks," I said as she sat back down by me.

"Want to go relax downstairs for a little while, then we can come back up later and watch a different movie?" she suggested.

"Sure," I said, giving her the most sincere smile I could conjure up at the moment.

She smiled back at me, then took my hand. She led me out of the room and down the hall to the stairs. We walked down the stairs, then into the living room.

"Aww," Emily said as she stopped walking.

"Oh, morning you two," Patrick said as he picked his head up from Pete's lap.

"Morning," Emily said as she hugged Patrick and Pete.

"Morning," I said.

"When did you get up, dad?" Emily asked Patrick as she sat down, patting the seat beside her for me.

"About a half hour ago. Pete said it was just a few minutes after you went back upstairs to watch movies with Jack or something," Patrick explained.

"Ohh, how'd you sleep?" she asked.

"Not bad actually," Patrick said as she laid his head back down on Pete's lap.

"I'm still tired," Pete said as he resumed stroking Patrick's hair.

"We'll leave you two alone for a few. I'm starving and I'm sure Jack might be a little too, so I'm going to make breakfast," Emily said as she got up, taking my hand in hers again and dragging me to the kitchen.

"Don't get too wild, now kids!" Pete said.

"Shut up, dad!" Emily said, making all of us laugh.

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