But it's Better if You Do (Emily's POV)

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As I yawned, I opened my eyes, glancing at my clock on my bedside table. It read exactly nine forty-five in the morning. I yawned again, then stretched a little, stopping when I felt something around my waist. I gently turned over and saw Jack sleeping next to me, then I remembered what happened last night. Damn, it felt good to get that all out, even if it means I have this now pounding headache from crying so much and so hard. And now knowing that Jack and I can relate to those things on the same level... We have more in common than I thought, even if it's on those terms.

Anyway, I gently turned back around, grabbing my phone in the process. I went on twitter, turning back around yet again, then snapping a quick picture of Jack while he was sleeping. I said: "Aww, my best friend is sleeping! #Adorable," then tweeted it. I really do consider him my best friend already, even if we just met like two days ago. I trusted him enough to tell him what happened to me, and I don't just do that easily, trust me. And obviously he trusted me enough to tell me what happened to him. I think it was hard for both of us to get that off of our chest, but it brought us closer in a way.

"Morning," I said as Jack blinked his eyes and stretched.

"Oh, morning," he said as he smiled.

"How'd you sleep?" I asked.

"Good, can't complain," he said. "How about you?"

"Not bad," I said as I smiled.

"I have a killer headache," he said.

"I do too," I said as I chuckled.

"Thanks for listening to me last night," Jack said.

"It's nothing, I mean, well it was something, but you know what I mean," I said. "I'm always here to listen."

"I know what you mean," he said as he chuckled. "And not a problem."

"Hey, with these headaches and shit, I have an idea," I said as I got loose of his arms still wrapped around me, then quietly walked out of the room. "Be right back!"

I quietly tiptoed down the hallway, down the stairs, and into the living room. I looked around to see if anyone was up, but they weren't, at least if they were, they weren't down here. Anyway, I walked over to our entertainment center and opened the doors on it. I searched for a few movies for a good few minutes, then once I found them, closed the doors and turned around, only to be scared shitless.

"Oh my god!" I shouted as I dropped the movies on the carpet.

"Morning," Pete said as he chuckled.

"God dammit, dad," I said as I held my hand on my chest.

"Love you, dear," he said as he laughed and picked up my movies.

"Why are you up so early?" I asked as I took the movies from him. "Thanks."

"Couldn't really sleep," he said. "Insomnia was acting up."

"Aw, I'm sorry," I said.

"Jack still here?" he asked as he meandered his way to the kitchen, making himself a cup of coffee.

"Yeah, he just woke up actually and we both have really bad headaches, so I thought he and I could spend the day together and watch movies," I said.

"Headaches?" Pete asked.

"Yeah, well last night when we went upstairs to escape all of your guys' make out fest, we started talking and he asked me if I've always wanted to be a singer. I said I didn't know, but I mentioned that you and Patrick always said I was a good singer and I guess that kind of sparked it. Then I explained about the show with Panic! Twenty One Pilots, and well, Fall Out Boy and how I sang with you guys, well kind of. After that, I got myself into the whole explanation of what happened to me that night and with Ryan and Gerard..." I explained, a single tear falling down my cheek. "Anyway, he hugged me as I cried harder and harder and then he told me about his mom. She's raped him before and he was afraid she was going to do it again last night, so he pushed her off of him hard and then made a run for it to our house, dad."

"Em," Pete said as he had a saddened expression on his face and walked over to me, hugging me. "I'm so sorry about what happened to you. You didn't deserve it, none of us did. Ryan was a fucking prick and was just obsessed with the one person he couldn't have. You did not deserve that. I'm just glad Jaimee finally told us though. If she hadn't, I don't want to even think about what you would have done."

"I'm sorry dad," I said as I cried into his shoulder. "I should have told you. I was just afraid and I felt ashamed and embarrassed."

"There's nothing to be ashamed or embarrassed about, hun. No one deserves what he had those people do to you," Pete said.

"Dad, I love you," I said as I hugged him tighter.

"I love you too, Emily," he said as he did the same.

"You're one of the best dads I could ever ask for," I said.

"Aww," he said.

"It's true," I said.

"Now, why don't you go on up and spend time with your little boyfriend?" he asked as he let me go.

"He's not my boyfriend!" I retorted as I ran up the stairs, laughing through the few tears still streaming down my face.

"Oh, whatever!" he said.

"Yet, anyway!" I shouted back.

I heard him chock on his coffee, then laugh, which made me laugh. After that, I walked into the bathroom upstairs, got changed into comfier clothes, made sure I looked presentable, not tear stained and a mess, then grabbed the movies again and walked back to my room.

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