In My Eyes (Jack's POV)

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Well, today is finally the day I get to go home. And by home, I mean back to Emily's place. I think it's so nice how they are all letting me stay with them. I do want to find my own place eventually though. I don't want to be a bother for too long. Maybe Alex and his parents will take me in or something...

Anyway, I've also been convincing Emily to go home as well. She's been cooped up in this room for just about as long as I have. It can become a little overwhelming sometimes. Especially when everything is so white. It's so boring. There's no color, nothing to express any emotion, and it's just plain and boring. I'm glad I can leave.

It's been about a week since I asked Emily out. Things have been nothing but great! Like I said, I know it's only been a week, but we were already pretty close before that. I really do like her, maybe even love her a little, and I can see the two of us going far with each other.

"Hey, love," Emily said as she appeared in the doorway.

"Hey," I smiled.

"You ready to finally get out of this prison?" she asked.

"God yes," I said. "I just have to pack a few more things, change, then I'm ready to go face the world."

"Here, let me pack the last few things while you change. That way you can get out of here faster," she smirked.

"Thank beautiful," I smiled again, then grabbed my black skinny jeans and my Metallica shirt.

I made my way into the bathroom and wasted no time stripping myself of the horrific hospital gown. I'm pretty sure I was wearing that thing thw whole time I've been here. Ew, right? Anyway, I finally got changed, then fixed my hair as much as I could. After I was done, I looked in the mirror and thought I looked decent enough, so I opened the door and walked back out into my room.

"There's my boy," Emily said as hugged me. "I got everything else packed up."

"Thanks gorgeous," I said as I kissed her forehead.

"You ready to go? To get out of this god forsaken place?" she chuckled.

"More than you'll ever know," I laughed. "Remind me to never come back here, k?"

"Alright," she said as she laughed.

Emily, geez, Emily had the perfect laugh. And with the sun shining through the hospital window, making her glow, she looked amazing. Her hair falls perfectly onto her shoulders, her eyes are amazing, especially when they catch the light, her smile makes me melt, and like I said, her laugh is perfect. She's perfect and I feel so lucky to have her. She beautiful and all I've ever wanted.

Emily grabbed my bags for me, even though I insisted I could take them, then I took her other hand in mine. We walked out of my room and down the hallways in the hospital. A few people that had taken care of me smiled at us and said goodbye. I said thank you and goodbye as well. Emily and I finally arrived outside and into the parking lot. I've never seen something so beautiful. Yes, it's a parking lot, but when you're cooped up in a white ass room forever, it's pretty damn amazing. Emily led me to her vehicle, then she put my things in the back. We both hopped in, and after she started the vehicle, I took her hand in mine and kissed it. She smiled at me, leaned over and kissed me, then started to drive off.

After driving for a good fifteen minutes, and getting a look at the city that I missed so much, we finally arrived back at her place. She pulled into the driveway and parked, then we both got out and she grabbed my things, which agian, I insisted I could take. She smiled and grabbed it anyway. I rolled my eyes and sighed, then walked over to her and hugged her.

"Em," I said into her ear.

"Yeah?" she asked as she hugged me tighter.

"I-I think I love you," I said.

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