Goner (Emily's POV)

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"Dad?" I asked.

"I'm right here," Patrick said as I opened my eyes.

"Me too," Pete said.

"What happened?" I asked. "I don't remember all that much."

"Well, the three of us went over to someone's house to save them and their mom wound up grabbing you and holding you, not planning on letting you go anytime soon. During all this, Pete told you to headbutt the mom, so you did, but the knife that was in her hands slipped and cut your neck and shoulder up pretty bad. You wound up passing out from losing a lot of blood," Patrick explained. "The doctor said you're alright now, just going to be sore and tender around that spot for a couple weeks."

"Oh," I said. "Are you two ok?"

"Yeah, we're both fine," Pete said.

"Good," I said. "W-Who were we saving?"

"Um, is it a good idea to tell her?" I heard Pete whisper as he stood up and whispered in Patrick's ear.

"We probably should..." Patrick whispered back.

"Who was it?" I asked.

"You remember Jack?" Patrick asked.

"Oh my god," I said as I sat up. "What's wrong with him? What'd that bitch do to him?!"

"Em, calm down," Pete said.

"Tell me what happened," I said.

"Well, once we got upstairs to where you were, we looked past you and saw Jack laying on the floor in a puddle of blood. The EMTs said that he probably fell off of the bed or something, hit his head on the night stand, then hit his head on the floor," Patrick explained.

"I-Is he alright?" I asked.

"Um, well, he's uhh... How do I say this? He's in a coma, dear," Pete said.

"Oh my god," I said as I covered my mouth with my hands and instantly burst into tears.

I couldn't really see anything through all of my tears, but I felt Pete let go of my hand and stand up and walk away, out of the room I assumed. After that, I felt Patrick do the same, only he walked up closer to me and hugged me. I cried harder into his arms, so he just hugged me tighter. I could hear him sniffling a little too.

As my vision came into view slightly, I noticed that Joe was gone. I figured he had ran after Pete to talk to him or something. I still can't believe this. What gives his dumb fuck of a mother any right to do this to her son?! He could die because of her! I hope she's staying somewhere far away from Jack.

"D-Dad?" I asked.

"Yeah?" Patrick asked as he pulled away a little and looked at me.

"Where is his mom?" I asked.

"The cops showed up and took her away," he said. "I presume that she'll be stuck in prison for a while. I hope and pray that she is anyway."

"I do too," I said. "She's a lowlife son of a bitch who shouldn't have even been born. Apparently her only thing to do on this Earth was to beat her one and only son, and that's just sick as hell. How someone can ever beat their children is beyond me. She deserves whatever gets done to her."

"Wow, Em," Patrick said. "But oddly enough, I agree completely."

"Yeah, well, I'm just glad everyone is ok, for the most part anyway..." I said.

"Yeah, me too, and I'm sure Jack will be alright when he wakes up," he said.

"I think so too," Andy said as he walked over and smiled. "Jack's a good kid."

I smiled at him, then he walked over towards me more and I hugged him. He's always been an amazing uncle. After that, the three of us sat in the room for a few more minutes, mostly just watching tv and exchanging a few words here and there. All the while though, I had this really odd feeling, something I couldn't describe, and I had a really bad headache. Also I noticed that I'd space out or daydream while we were watching tv. Weird, right? But I'm sure it's just because of what happened.

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