Calm before the Storm (Jack's POV)

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Well, talking with Emily for hours on end today was amazing! She is really funny and even wants to hear my band! Normally I don't want people to hear us because we're not too great yet, but her, I trust her. There's just something about her that I really like and I hope she feels the same about me as well.

"Oh my god, I can't breathe," I said as I died of laughter. "Why do you have so many great and hilarious stories?"

"It's a gift," Emily said as she laughed harder.

"Everyone in this god damn family seems to have a lot of gifts!" I said.

"Well, that's also a gift," she said.

"Oh my god!" I said as I laughed harder.

"If you two don't stop laughing," Patrick said as he burst through the door, even chuckling a little. "You're both going to cough up a lung."

"It's raining lungs! Hallelujah! It's raining lungs! Amen!" I sang.

"Oh my god," Patrick said as he began laughing harder.

"Good good! But I was thinking more of... Scream it from the top of your lungs, lungs, lungs!" Emily sang.

"Yes!" Patrick said as he laughed even harder yet.

"If you kill my husband, I swear to god," Pete said as he appeared behind Patrick, also chuckling.

"We'll try not to!" Emily said. "So what brought you two up here anyway?"

"Oh, Jack, you left your phone downstairs and it started ringing," Pete said as he tossed me my phone.

"Oh, thanks," I said as I caught it.

"Don't get too wild now!" Patrick said as he walked out of the room, dragging Pete behind him.

I laughed at the two of them, then turned my attention to my phone. My stomach did a flip when I saw why my phone went off.

"Jack? Are you alright?" Emily asked, resting her hand on my knee.

"I-It's, uh, my mom," I said nervously.

"Oh, does she want you home?" she asked.

"Y-Yeah," I said as I got up. "I gotta go."

"Alright, just please, if she tried anything, you can always come back here or shoot me a text and I'll be right there to pick you up," she said.

"Thanks, here's my address," I said as I quickly wrote it down for her on a piece of paper, "Now I really have to go before she gets too mad."

"Alright, just please be careful," she said as she ran around the bed and gave me a tight hug, kissing my cheek in the process. "I care about you a lot and I don't want you to get hurt."

"That means a lot," I said as I hugged her back. "Thank you so much. Oh, and how about we make a plan?"

"A plan?" she asked.

"If I don't text or call you within and hour, come to that address and check. You don't know what she's capable of sometimes..." I explained.

"O-Oh," she gulped. "Sounds good. I'll keep my phone close."

"Ok, now I've got to go," I said.

"Good idea," she said as she let go of me.

I gave her a small, yet worrisome smile and then rushed out of the room, down the stairs, and out the front door. I'm pretty sure I scared Pete and Patrick, but that was the least of my worries right about now. My mom sent that text ten minutes prior to Pete giving me my phone, so I was already running late. That's ten more minutes she had to boil with anger... God dammit Jack, you're so dumb.

As I finally got to my house about seven minutes later, I stopped in the front yard, trying to catch my breath. After I was able to breathe properly again, I swallowed hard, then walked up the steps and slowly opened the front door. I walked all the way in and there was no sign of my mother. Yet, anyway...

"Jack Bassam Barakat! Where have you been?!" my mother screamed as she ran down the stairs.

"M-Mom, I was at a friends' house and I wound up spending the night," I said as I started to back away, getting cornered by the counters.

"You know the rules!" she shouted as she slapped me. "You should have called me!"

"I-I'm so sorry, m-mom," I stuttered out through the pain shooting through my cheek.

"You're a worthless piece of shit!" she screamed as she pushed me to the tile flooring.

"Mom! Please!" I shouted as she slapped me again, over and over.

"Shut up! You know you deserve this!" she said. "Now, go wait up in your room. I'll be in there shortly."

I scrambled to get up, then I ran up the stairs and into my room, locking the door behind me again and running to my bed. I finally collapsed in a ball of tears, then shortly after, I reached for my razor that I had taped to the back of my headboard. I struggled to get a grip on it, and once I did, I dragged it across my wrists. I winced at the pain I felt afterwards, but that was, again, the least of my worries.

After doing that time and time again, I taped it back to my headboard and quickly put on a long sleeve shirt. Minutes later, I heard my mom stomp up the stairs, so I quickly got up from the corner of my bed and unlocked my door silently so she wouldn't know I locked it. After that, I ran back to my bed and sat down, back where I was before. Seconds after that, I heard her stop at my door, then suddenly, the door was bursting open.

"I'm back," she said as she smirked.

"M-Mom, I-I'm so sorry," I said as I back away as far as I could on my bed.

"No you're not," she said as she walked towards me. "But you will be."

She ran the rest of the way to me and pushed me onto the bed. I tried to fight her off, but stopped shortly after because if I fought her, whatever she was going to do to me was always worse. She continued to get on top of me, grinding herself on me. What she was going to do to me, the very thought of it, made me feel sick. She leaned down and kissed me, and once again, I tried pushing her away. She pulled away and slapped my face hard, making me cry.

"Shut up, you whiny little bitch," she said as she slapped me again.

She continued to grind herself on me again and then pulled my shirt off. After that, she yanked my pants off. I tried fighting her off again, but that only resulted in me getting slapped harder and harder. From her hitting me so many times, I was starting to feel dizzy. She continued to pull my underwear off and wasted no time doing what she intended to do to me tonight...

After finishing what she wanted to do... She got off of me and started literally punching me, knocking me onto the floor in the process. When I fell, I hit my head against my night stand, then hitting it hard against the floor. That's all I remember before everything went black...

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