Thriller (Jack's POV)

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After Emily told me to go upstairs, I kind of just stood at the top of the stairs, not knowing what to do. I didn't want to just walk into a random room and feel like I was intruding, so I just sat back on the edge of the tub where I was before when Emily was cleaning me up. After playing around on my phone for a few minutes, I heard Emily start to explain the whole situation about me, so I put my phone down and listened. I was honestly shocked that she felt that way about me. Normally, people just blow it off and don't even bother trying to help me, but I could tell that she really did care and I hoped that everyone else would understand as well. After she finished explaining, I went on my phone again, because it was silent downstairs, but then I heard her ask everyone if they wanted to meet me. When I heard that, I instantly went still and this teen heart started beating faster, faster. I know what you're thinking: I'm eightteen and I'm still nervous as hell about everything. Well, when you've gone through what I've gone through, like having barely no friends, a mom that's abusive towards you, and a dad that died when you were only thirteen, you'd feel the same as well. I think my heart actually stopped when I heard Emily come up the stairs.

"Hey," she said softly as she peeked her head into the bathroom. "You want to meet a few people?"

"U-Um," I said. "S-Sure."

"Hey," she said again as she stopped me. "You don't have to be scared, ok? I know you're nervous and I know what you've been through, but I obviously know the people down there very well, and I know that they'll like you and that they'll be accepting. They want to meet you."

"T-They do? Why?" I asked.

"They just do," she said as she chuckled. "They want to get to know you because they feel like you'll be sticking around for a while, and I hope you do."

"Y-You do?" I asked.

"Yeah," she said as she smiled. "I like you and I think we'll be great friends."

"I like you too," I said as I smiled.

"Good," she said as she chuckled. "Now, you want to go meet them?"

"S-Sure," I said.

"Come on," she said as she took my hand again and led me out of the bathroom.

I took a deep breath and walked behind her, still holding her hand in mine. She led me down the stairs and pretty soon, everyone that was there came into view. I started to get really nervous again, but as soon as that came, it subsided when Emily turned to me and said that it'd all be ok. I smiled at her and then she turned around again and led me the rest of the way into the living room. As Emily walked me passed everyone, they all smiled at me. Maybe this wouldn't be so bad after all.

"There," Emily said as she sat me down on an end of one of the couches, then sat next to me.

"What's your name, son?" Pete asked, yes, Pete Wentz, well Stump.

"Oh god," Emily groaned as she rolled her eyes.

"What?!" Pete asked.

"You're playing the over protective dad part," she said as she laughed.

"Sorry, should I go get my gun to clean while I'm at it?" he asked. "I'm kidding. I am totally kidding."

"You guys are weird," I said as I chuckled.

"Ha! We got him to laugh! He's one of us now!" Brendon said.

"Oh my god," Emily said as she laughed. "Although, it is kind of true..."

"What?" I asked.

"That you're one of us!" Jaimee said as she attacked me in a hug, making me laugh and almost fall off the couch.

"Whoohoo!" Dallon shouted.

"Lets get this party started right!" Spencer shouted.

With that being said, Jaimee got off of me and played her music again, making everyone get up and dance, even myself. After a song or two, Patrick walked up to me.

"Hey, so what is your name anyway?" he asked.

"Jack," I said. "Jack Barakat."

"I'm Patrick," he said as he smiled and stuck his hand out.

"I know. I love Fall Out Boy, to be honest," I said as I gladly shook his hand.

"You do?" he asked.

"Yeah," I said as I smiled. "Save Rock and Roll, pure genius!"

"Wow, thanks!" Patrick said as his face lit up.

"I only speak the truth," I said. "Oh, and even though it's totally confusing, yet awesome, I love the Young Blood Chronicles."

"As do I," Pete said as he walked over, wrapping his arms around Patrick's waist.

"I think you just like the nasty, gory shit. Oh, and killing your fellow band members off," Patrick said.

"It's a fetish," Pete said.

"Oh my god!" I said as I laughed.

After talking for a few more minutes with the two of them, I talked with Brendon, Dallon, Spencer, and then Joe and Andy. I really don't think I've bet loosened up this much with anyone before. This was definitely a good idea.

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