Holding on to You (Pete's POV)

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"Well, you managed to scare away Jack and Emily now," Charlie said.

"Mission accomplished," I said as Patrick and I walked back into the living room.

"I missed doing that," Brendon said to Dallon.

"As did I," Dallon said as he smiled and walked Brendon over to the couch.

"It's never getting any better than this," Joe said.

"Agreed," Andy said as he did the same as Dallon.

"I'm glad we can do that in front of you guys now," Tyler stated as he smirked and pecked Josh's lips again.

"I am too," Josh said as Tyler and him sat down. "But I think my lips have gone numb."

"Join the club!" Patrick, Brendon, and Andy said as they raised their hand, making the rest of us laugh.

"Was a make out party really necessary?" Patrick asked.

"It's always necessary," I said as I laughed.

"Hell yeah, man!" Joe said as he high fived me.

"Anyway," Patrick said as he chuckled. "I'm going to go get the kids. We don't need to scar them any more than we already have."

"Then I shall come," I said as I stood up. "And guys, no more sucking face while we're gone!"

"Aww," Brendon pouted.

Patrick and I laughed and then walked towards the stairs. I allowed Patrick to go ahead of me on the stairs, even though we could both easily fit, but in all reality, I just wanted to smack his ass on the way up.

"Peter Lewis Kingston!" Patrick whisper/yelled as we got to the top of the stairs.

"I can't help it," I said as I held my hands up. "They have a mind of their own."

"Pete," Patrick whined as he smirked. "Anyway, you go get Ethan and Jaimee, while I go find Emily and Jack.

"Sounds good," I said as I walked off down the hallway to Jaimee's room.

I walked the rest of the way down the hall and gently knocked on Jaimee's door. She didn't answer, so I quietly opened the door and that was when I saw the cutest thing ever. Jaimee and Ethan were laying on her bed and Jaimee had her arm wrapped around Ethan. They were fast asleep, so I took a quick picture with my phone, then quietly closed the door again and went to go meet up with Patrick.

"Baby, you have to see this," I said as I stopped within feet of him by Emily's doorway.

"I think you should see this first," Patrick said.

"What?" I asked.

"Come here!" he said as he grabbed my shoulder and pulled me towards the doorway.

"Huh, would you look at that," I said.

What I saw didn't surprise me, but I'm just glad it was nothing more. Jack and Emily were laying on her bed, Jack holding Emily in his arms. They were both fast asleep, just as Ethan and Jaimee were as well.

"Holy identical," I said as I handed Patrick my phone.

"Aww," Patrick said as he looked at the picture of Jaimee as Ethan.

"Well, I totally called this," I said.

"Called what?" Patrick asked as he backed out of Em's room and quietly closed the door.

"That those two would get together," I said as I smirked as we walked back down the stairs.

"Babe, we don't know for sure if they did," he said as he laughed. "They could have just gotten tired after talking or something and that happened."

"Oh Patrick, stop over thinking it," I said.

"I'm not!" he retorted as we walked back into the living room.

"You're not what?" Joe asked.

"Over thinking something," Patrick said as we sat down.

"Ohh, what?" Brendon asked as he sat on the edge of his seat, literally.

"We went to go get the kids and when I went to get Jack and Em, they were on Em's bed all curled up together," Patrick said. "Pete thinks they got together, but I think they were just talking and fell asleep like that. Apparently that means I'm over thinking it."

"Well, you are," Tyler said.

"What? So in today's world, if you fall asleep with someone and you're snuggling and shit, that means you're together?" Patrick asked.

"Babe, we're just messing with you," I said as I laughed and stood up again. "You know I love you."

"I know," Patrick whined as he hugged me.

"Aww," everyone said, making Patrick and I laugh.

*A/N* I don't even know... This chapter is just pointless and weird.

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