Author's Note!

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I'd just like to take this time and talk about Joe.... Why? Because I can. xD

1) Joe is adorable

2) He's really nice

3) He's WAY skinnier and taller in person.

~ I would know because when I saw then a few weeks back, as my sister, our friend, and I got to The Rave, Joe walked off the tour bus and he's REALLY skinny.

4) He's got kick-ass hair

5) His voice is AMAZING, like holy shit, guys.

6) I feel like he'd be the type of person to act totally crazy around people he just met for the sake of well, being Joe haha

7) I feel like he's really, really loveable and has no problem at all with meeting new people

8) I feel like he'd be the person to come home from a tour or something and just walk into the house and scoop you off of your feet in a big, tight hug because he missed you a ton

9) I feel like he gives really, really amazing hugs....

10) I want a Joe hug now.

The Other Side (Book Four in the Peterick Mpreg Series)Where stories live. Discover now