Honorable Mention (Emily's POV)

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Well, its been another couple weeks since Alex came to visit. He's been visiting both Jack and I on a regular basis, just about everyday. Its been nice to have someone else to talk to, instead of a seemingly lifeless body. Even through everything, Alex has managed to make me laugh and smile even when I didn't want to. I'm really happy about that actually. This has been really hard for me, so that's been helpful.

"Oh my god, and at our first band practice, I got so nervous and practically cost us all our instruments! We were all rehearsing in Jack's garage and I had only met Jack before, not Rian or Zack, so I was really nervous about meeting them, so I kept doing things that I thought were really cool, but that just wound up with me tripping over cords, running into a couple amps, and then into Rian's drums. I was pretty sure I'd be dead if looks could kill," Alex explained.

"Oh my god!" I said as I laughed.

"Yeah, but everything was all good after that. Nothing happened to any of the instruments at all, so thank god! Even after a minute or two, everyone started laughing, including myself," he said.

"I've got to see you guys perform sometime," I said. "Jack promised me I could."

"Really?" Alex asked.

"Yeah, he told me about the band and everything and you guys sounded really cool, so I made him promise that he'd let me hear you guys play sometime," I said.

"Wow, that's kind of surprising," he said.

"Why?" I asked.

"He doesn't, well, he's really shy and doesn't really want anyone hearing us yet, until we're good. But that's the thing. We are really good, to me anyway, but he's just really nervous," he explained.

"I kinda figured that out, but it's kind of cute," I said as I chuckled.

"Ohh, Emily's got a little crush on Jack, I see," Alex said as he laughed.

"Shut up!" I said. "Is it that obvious?"

"Well, considering that you said he's basically cute," he said as he rolled his eyes and chuckled.

"Ok, yeah! I do! It's such a crime!" I said as I threw my hands in the air.

"Emily and Jack sitting in a tree..." Alex sang.

"Oh my god! Stop!" I said as I hid my face.

"Aww, is someone blushing?" he asked.

"Shut up!" I said as I laughed again.

"For the record, you two would be adorable together," Alex said as he stood up and smiled. "Now, if you'll excuse me, I have to go. I was supposed to be home like fifteen minutes ago."

"Jesus! I don't need you getting killed on account of me! Go!" I said as I practically pushed him out of the room.

"God!" he said as he tripped and almost fell. "Love you too!"

"You know I love you!" I yelled down the hallway.

"Yeah, yeah, yeah!" he said as he laughed and waved his hand.

I chuckled to myself, then walked back into Jack's room, that lonely, seemingly empty room. I sat back down in the chair I was in before, then looked at Jack again. I was left alone with nothing but my thoughts again. I kind of wish someone else was here now... Pete and Patrick, along with Joe, Andy, Jaimee, and Ethan, went out of town today. They should be back soon, but that's no use now. Brendon and Dallon, along with Spencer, are probably on their way to play a smaller show in the next town over. Then Tyler and Josh are opening up for Panic!... So that leaves no one... Just Jack and I, alone together.

Anyway, I wound up watching tv for a good hour, going on twitter and instagram here and there as well. I finally wound up falling asleep after all of that, after another sleepless night, so this was definitely needed.


"Emily?" someone asked, making me wake up slightly, but not fully.

"Em?" it asked again, making me open my eyes and look around.

No one was in the room, so I shrugged my shoulders and attributed it to me dreaming or something like that, but it seemed so real.

"E-Emily?" it asked once again, a couple minutes later.

"Who's in here?" I asked as I sat up again.

I stood up and looked in the cabinets, probably looking like a complete idiot if someone were to walk in right now. I basically playing hide and seek with absolutely no one. After that, I walked cautiously back over to the chair and sat back down. I glanced back over at Jack and it looked like he had moved a little, but I didn't think much of it. It's not like people can't move while they're in a coma, so it didn't concern me at all.

"Emily?" it asked again, and this time, Jack moved and I saw his eyes open.

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