First Try (Pete's POV)

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Jesus, right after Emily started crying, I just couldn't handle it. She's worrying about Jack, which I understand, but I can't help but feel like this is ALL my fault. It's my fault she's in here.

After I ran out of the room, I made it about fifteen feet down the hallway before I collapsed against the wall in a mess of tears and heavy breathing.

After another minute or two, and definitely not calming down any, I heard footsteps walk up to me. I lifted my head slightly and saw Joe.

"Hey man," he said as he sat down next to me. "What's going on?"

"This is all my fault," I said.

"Ok, let me stop you right there. None of this is your fault, ok? You ha no control of what happened to Emily nor Jack, as geez, who knows. Maybe something worse could have happened if you hadn't told Emily to do what she did. Getting cut on the neck is probably nothing compared to what could have happened. What happened has nothing to do with you. You can't control the fact that Jack is in a coma, no one can. Pete, it's not your fault," he said.

"Maybe you're right, but-," I said.

"But nothing. I'm sure Patrick gave you the same little talk when he took you away from all of us earlier today, and even though I don't know what was said exactly, I know Patrick was right. Patrick gives great advice and honestly, he's normally right ninety-nine percent of the time," he said.

"You're right," I said. "Patrick is pretty great."

"Exactly, and I know I'm not exactly a fucking amazing advice giver, but I can guarantee that Emily is not mad at you nor will she ever given what happened today," Joe said.

"Thanks man," I said as I leaned over and hugged him.

Despite Joe being a freaking brother to me, he's always there for me, which I guess any brother should be for another brother. And despite what he says, he actually is an amazing advice giver. Him and Patrick both are. If it weren't for both of them giving me little pep talks here and there, then I don't even want to know where my life would be right now, or if I'd even have one. They're amazing, it's as plain as that. I have an amazing, strong family, amazing and great friends, and I obviously have the fans to back me up. I love them all so, so much.

Anyway, after another minuet, Joe got up, smiled at me, the walked back into Emily's room. I said I'd he back in a little bit, but I wanted to go and get Jaimee first. Even though she followed us all into the room, I noticed she walked out seconds after. I know she's close to Emily, so I imagine this is really hard for her, as it is for all of us.

I got up from against the wall and then walked down a few more hallways and finally made it to the waiting room. I looked over at the spots we were all sitting before and saw Jaimee sitting there, her cheeks stained with tears and her eyes puffy and red. It hurt me seeing her like this, so I walked over to her and held her in my arms.

"Is she alright?" she asked.

"She's fine, just going to be a little sore for a couple weeks, ok?" I said.

"Promise?" she asked as she looked up at me with her sad eyes.

"Promise," I said. "But I think the real question is are you ok?"

"Been better," she said as she chuckled a little.

"I think we all have," I said as I chuckled as well.

"I'm just worried, that's all. I know you said Emily will be fine, but I'm still going to worry. She's literally my best friend and I can't see her hurt," Jaimee said.

"Wow Jaim. Emily would appreciate hearing that, I'm sure. I'm so glad that you and her are that close and that you think of her like that. You both are more than I could have asked for, everyone in my family actually. You're all perfect and I love you all so much," I said.

"I love you dad," she said as she hugged me again.

The Other Side (Book Four in the Peterick Mpreg Series)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora