Slow Motion (Emily's POV)

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Well, it's been about two weeks since the whole incident... I'm fine now. I haven't had anymore seizures after the first one, I'm still a little sore, but it's not too teribly noticeable. Pete and Patrick are happier, which is good. Jaimee has barely left my side since I got out of the hospital, which was about a week and a half ago. It's kind of funny actually. It's like we're joined at the hip.

I cancelled the rest of the my tour, promising to come back to the spots I cancelled later this year. I felt terrible that I just left my fans- sorry, family- there with nothing. I had to say that I'd come back and perform for them.

Anyway, the only thing that's not ok is Jack... Jack is still in a coma. The doctor said he could be out of it in a few weeks to a few months... I'm really hoping that it's a few weeks. I don't think I can bare to see him just lay there, motionless, looking dead, for much longer.

On the bright side, well as bright as it can get, I got to talk to another member of Jack's band, All Time Low. His name is Alex. I've been keeping Jack's phone by me, answering texts about how he's doing and whatnot. Alex just got back from vacation or something a couple days ago, and hadn't a clue about what was happening. He texted Jack's phone the day after he got back, so I replied, telling him everything that's been going on. He was heartbroken and he said he'd stop by today and visit Jack.

I'm kind of eagar to meet Alex actually. I want to get to know him and maybe it'll be good to have someone else to talk to, other than a seemingly lifeless body... Pete and Patrick, along with Joe, Andy, Brendon, and Dallon stop by sometimes though. They'll come visit when we're all back at home too. Although, I have practically been living in Jack's room for the past week. I went home for a few days, but felt bad, so I asked the doctors if they'd allow me to stay here with Jack overnight and whatnot. They said it was fine, given that Jack didn't have any family around here and his mom is in prison.

Anyway, I barely slept last night, or any night for that matter. I've been too worried about Jack. I literally lay on the couch, watch tv or watch him. The doctor said that he'll be fine, but if he wakes up or something else happens, I don't want to be sleeping. I'm not leaving his side. Ever.

But now, I really am tired... I'm laying on the couch again, wrapped up in a blanket I brought from home. I have my phone and Jack's phone close, just in case sometimes texts or calls me or him. I know I really need sleep, so once again, I'm going to try and sleep... Maybe I'll actually get somewhere this time.

"H-Hello?" someone asked as the door opened, waking me up probably and hour or so later.

"What?" I asked as I sat up and rubbed my eyes, probably smearing my makeup everywhere.

"Oh, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to wake you," the boy said.

"It's nothing. Are you Alex?" I asked as I stood up.

"Yeah, are you Emily?" Alex asked.

"In the flesh," I said.

"Nice to meet you," he said as he smiled and shook my hand. "And can I just say that Jack and I both love your music and voice so much. It really is an honor."

"Aww thanks," I said. "I appreciate that."

"You're welcome," he said as he sat down in a chair. "So, how is he doing?"

"Still basically the same, look wise anyway. The doctor said that he's getting better, but there's still no telling when he'll wake up. When we first came into the hospital, the doctor said that he could wake up in a few weeks or a few months... It's been about two weeks, give or take a few days, since this all happened. I'm just hoping he'll wake up soon," I explained.

"Wow," Alex said.

"Tell me about it," I said.

"Have you been staying here the whole time with him?" he asked.

"Just about. The first few days after I got out, I went home, but I kept worrying about him, so I've literally been here ever since. I've gone home during the day, but not for too long," I said.

"That's very nice of you," he said. "Jack is lucky to have met you and have such a good friend now."

"I care about him a lot," I said. "I'm glad I met him that night."

Alex amiled at me, then we talked a little while longer after that. He told me about himself and I told him about me. He's the same age as Jack, made it a point to tell me that he's literally older by a couple days, which made me laugh. He told me how Jack and him always fight about that, which I laughed at again. He told me about how the band got started, which I've been curious about and wanted to ask Jack, about how he became the singer and how everyone else fell into their positions in the band. How he dreams of doing what I do everyday, just waking up and loving what you do. He said he wants to make a difference in people's lives like I have for he and Jack.

After that, we both turned our attention to the tv, fighting over what channel to keep it on, which just resulted in us laughing more. It felt good to laugh actually. I haven't been laughing much at all for the past couple weeks, no one has. Both Jack and Alex are like the brothers I never had, and of course, I do love the brother I do have to death, but they both fit in so well with us already.

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