A Car, a Torch, a Death (Pete's POV)

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Did that just seriously happen? It had to. Emily just had a seizure.... But why? What caused it? She's never had them before. Why now? Is something else wrong? Something else that's more serious than what we thought? Oh god. Pete, you just made your daughter have a seizure.

Anyway, the doctor just asked us to walk out of the room, so that's what all of us did. Joe and Andy were calm, well as calm as you can be in a situation like this, Jaimee is crying, just as Patrick; god those two are so alike in so many ways. And I'm just here, scared out of my mind, blaming myself, and on the verge of having a complete mental and physical breakdown.

"J-Joe, Andy, can you please take Jaimee to Brendon and Dallon's house? I don't want her here if this is going to happen. This is too hard for her," I whispered to them.

"Yeah, no problem at all," Joe said as he gave me a smile.

Both Andy and Joe went over to Jaimee, who gladly accepted their hands and walked out of the hospital with them. God, I'm so thankful for those two. I think Patrick and I need some time alone together right now.

I walked over to Patrick, who was sitting in one of the chairs, holding his head in his hands again, crying his eyes out. I sat down next to him and pulled him into my arms. I know that helps calming him down, so I gladly did it.

"Why?" he asked.

"W-Why what?" I asked.

"W-Why would t-that have hap-happened?" he asked as he cried into my shoulder.

"I-I don't know," I said. "I-I wish i-it hadn't."

"S-Same," he said. "I wish none of this would have happened. I wish Jack's mom had never texted him, wanting him home. We could all still be back at home, all curled up and watching a movie or something, but no. Jack's mom had to go fucking insane and beat her child. I'm glad Emily was scared for him and cares about him, but I just wish none of this had happened."

"I feel the same," I said. "I wish."

"And Pete?" Patrick asked as he lifted his head slightly.

"Y-Yeah?" I asked as I looked down at him.

"I swear to god, if you're blaming yourself for Emily's seizure," he said.

"B-But, it is my fault," I said.

"Pete, it is not. You could not control that. You had no power to make that happen. It's not your fault. None of this is. Stop blaming yourself, please," he said as he looked directly into my eyes.

Once he looked at me with those eyes- those eyes that pleaded, begged, and hoped- I knew he was right. I'm still going to feel bad, but Patrick made it better... He always makes it better. What would I do without him? Hell, I'd probably be dead in a ditch somewhere, honestly. He's more than I could ever ask for.

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