Austin We have a Problem (Patrick's POV)

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Well, after all of this, Emily is finally calming down, but I'm sure there will definitely be more where that came from. This is going to be hard for all of us, not doubt about it at all. Emily most of all. I can tell that she really, really cares for Jack, took him under her wing in a way. He needs some stability in his life and I hope that Emily has given at least a little bit of that to him. I just really hope that she doesn't blame herself like Pete keeps doing. It's not her fault and it's not his fault. End of story.
Anyway, now the three of us, Andy, Emily, and I, are sitting here just watching tv. After Pete left, Joe ran after him, thank god. I hope he talked to him like I did. Joe's pretty damn good at little pep talks, so I hope he helped.

"Hey guys," Joe said as he walked in and smiled, sitting next to Andy and taking his hand.
"Hey," Andy said as he smiled and pecked Joe's cheek.
"Hey, how's Pete?" I asked.
"Better. I talked to him and it seemed to help, but we all know that there's still going to be his moments," Joe said.
"Yeah, but thanks, man," I said as I smiled.
"No problem," he said.
"Where is Pete now?" I asked.
"He went to go find Jaimee," he said. "Should probably be back in a little bit."
"Speak of the Devil," Andy said as he chuckled as Pete walked into the room, Jaimee trailing behind him.
"Talking about me?" Pete asked as he chuckled.
"Always are, Wentz," Andy said.
"Stump," Pete said as he chuckled again.
"Sorry!" Andy said as he laughed.

As we all kept talking, I noticed Jaimee would keep looking at Emily, but I didn't think much of it. I just figured she was worried about her, so she kept watching her. It's understandable.
Although, ever since we all relaxed and started watching tv, Emily did seem to be spacing out a lot. It looked like something was bothering her, but given the situation, I would assume that a lot of things are bothering her.
Anyway, after another ten minutes of talking, we all finally stopped and just relaxed again. I think Joe even dozed off in his chair, to be honest. It's been a long day for all of us, so some rest would probably be good. I looked over a few minutes in between and saw that each time I looked, someone else had dozed off. First Joe, then Pete, followed by Andy, even Jaimee closed her eyes for a little bit, but then opened them and stayed awake. I basically said fuck it and I even dozed off.


"Oh my god!" Jaimee shouted a while later, jolting me awake.

Once I focused on what was happening, I noticed that everyone else had woken up as well. They all looked scared and were all staring at the same place: Emily. I slowly turned my head and that's when I saw something that I never want to see my daughter go through again.
Emily was still laying in the bed, but he body was thrashing back and forth.

"Oh my god!" I shouted. "Someone go get the doctor!"
"I got it!" Joe shouted as he ran out of the room.

We all just stood there, not knowing what in the hell to do. Obviously none of us were doctors, so we didn't know how to handle the situation of someone having a seizure.
A few long seconds later, the doctor came running in, followed by a few nurses and Joe behind them. He asked us all to get out of the room, so we did so.

This can't be good. . .

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