Migraine (Jaimee's POV)

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"Ethan!" I shouted. "Where are you?! You've been hiding the entire time Patrick, Pete, and Emily have been gone!"

"You'll never find out!" he shouted from somewhere in the house.

"Ethan! Come on!" I said. "I'm about to give up any second here and you're going to stay hidden forever and no one will ever find you."

"No!" he shouted as he came running down the stairs.

"Found you!" I said.

"Come on," he said.

"Anyway, I think it's time we relax for a little bit," I said.

"Fine," he said as he ran to the couch and jumped onto it.

I laughed and then walked over to the loveseat and sat down, instantly grabbing my phone and going on twitter. After about ten minutes of that and other apps on my phone, I glanced over at Ethan and he had dozed off. I wasn't too far from doing that as well, so I out my phone down and just watched tv. I think I had dozed off, but got woken up by a frantic knock at the door. I rubbed my eyes, then went to the window to see who it was.

"Guys? What are you doing here?" I asked.

"You and Ethan have to come with us," Joe said.

"Why?" I asked.

"Something happened and Pete and Patrick called us and told us to come and get you and Ethan," Andy said.

"Oh, ok," I said. "Ethan!"

"Yeah?" he asked as he instantly woke up and ran over to me.

"Uncle Joe and Andy said that we need to go with them, so go get your shoes on and lets go," I said.

"Alright!" he said as he ran to the laundry room.

"We'll be out in the vehicle, ok?" Joe asked.

"Yeah, we'll be out in a little bit!" I said.

"Hurry!" Andy said.

Joe and Andy ran out to the vehicle and I ran back by Ethan. What on earth is taking him so long? As I ran in there, he was just putting his shoes on. I quickly helped him to make it go faster. After I got them on, I grabbed his hand and then ran into the living room, quickly grabbing my phone and then running out the door, obviously locking it. We ran out to the vehicle and then hopped in the back. Joe had explained that they had to drop Ethan off at Brendon and Dallon's place before the three of us got to where Pete, Patrick, and Emily were. Frankly, I'm actually getting kind of scared, to be honest. Both Joe and Andy seem a little jumpy and in a hurry... I really, really hope that nothing bad happened...

After we just dropped Ethan off at Brendon and Dallon's, Andy wasted no time pulling out of the driveway and practically speeding down the road. Ok, yeah, I'm scared.

"Uh, Joe?" I asked.

"Yeah, hun?" he asked.

"What's going on? You and Andy are both jumpy and in a hurry..." I said.

"It's best to let Pete and Patrick tell you what happened," Joe said. "We'll be where we need to be in a minute or two, and I promise that Patrick and Pete are fine."

"Good," I said as I breathed a sigh od relief.

Wait. Pete and Patrick? But they said Pete, Patrick, AND Emily... Oh god. What happened to Emily? Ok, definitely freaking out now. As Andy slowed the vehicle down and parked, I looked at the building as we got out of the vehicle. We're at the hospital... This cannot be good.

"Guys, why are we at the hospital?" I asked.

"I know you're scared, but please, come on," Joe said as he took my hand and pulled me along behind him.

I nodded and then ran with him, still freaking out on the inside. As we ran into the hospital, Joe, Andy, and I stopped while the two of them looked around. Before I knew it, Joe was pulling me behind him again. I looked up as we were running and that's when I saw Patrick sobbing into Pete's shoulder... This can't be good.

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