(1) Christopher Carrow

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The next day at school dragged on, slowly, and no matter how hard I tried I couldn't force my legs to move towards Christopher. Whenever I got near him, the uneasy effect he had radiated off of him hit me, and I got to nervous and walked away. My dad was right about one thing, Christopher was different.

When the bell ringed and the teacher dismissed us, everyone burst out into talking, laughing and gossiping. It was so loud, and I was still upset about my father's letter yesterday, I blocked them all out. When people were this loud, I liked to sing quietly to myself. No one notices and no one hears. So thats what I did.

It was random lullaby that my mom and dad sang to me when I was little. I sang as I packed up my books, when I looked up from my desk to see Christopher right beside me. Staring at me.

I was startled.

"I heard you singing, you have a beautiful voice." His voice was soft and he was giving me a big smile.

I looked around me. No one else had noticed me singing...and how come he was the one who heard me, when his desk was in the far left corner, farthest from my desk?

I fumbled with my books, suddenly clumsy. "Thanks...but, you heard me?"

He nodded. "I pay attention to things. If you watch, you'll know and understand everything."

Hmp...that was smart. I put my math book on top of all the others. Then my eyes scanned his empty arms. "Where's your books? We have homework."

"Finished." He shrugged, then looked at me. "Do you want me to help you after school?"

Did he know my plan? Because he was making this way easier than I thought. I gave him a smile. "Sure, I'd love too." I really wanted to ask how he heard me over the noise. He walked quicky out of the room, like he was late for a meeting. I ran out after him.

"Christopher!" I yelled. He slowed down and looked impatientent.

"Nessa..." I shuddered when his lips formed my name. I thought I saw a smile on his face but it disappeared. Weird.

I shook my head, trying to recover myself. "How did you hear me, I mean, the class was so loud and I was singing pretty quietly...?"

He gave me a beautiful smile. "If I told you, you wouldn't believe me." With that, he was gone.

He had me now. I was curious.

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