(37) Human Conversations

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w/c: im so so sorry i went on an unplanned vacation with my friends and I haven't been able to update. sorry again loves 💗

When My Heart Stops, I'll Give It To You

Chapter 37: Human Conversations

Nessa's P.O.V.

"Take it easy, kid. I don't want to have to take care of your drunken ass." Liam lectured, stealing the shot glass out of my hand and sipping it down in seconds flat.

"I'm not a child." I insist, annoyed.

His eyes flew over my body, biting a little on his bottom lip. "Any man with eyes can see that."

I picked up another shot, trying not to wince at the sharp taste down my throat. I didn't have a very great drinking tolerance, but I didn't care tonight. I just wanted to forget. "It's you that needs to stop drinking. One of us needs to be at least half way sober."

"And why was I voted the sober driver?" He groaned, staring despairingly at the small glass now clutched in my hand.

"It's the gentlemanly thing to do, asshole." I smiled, taking two more shots.

He leaned closer, grinning. "You're absolutely stunning and all I want to do is close the space between us."

I sat up, leaning my body away from him and pushing lightly on his chest to get him away. "In your dreams, douche bag."

Liam shrugged, seemingly unaffected by my rejection. "Fine, then." He requested a martini and then went off in pursuit of some brunette with her thong sticking out of the top of her booty shorts.

I guess that's who Liam really was. He's all about the talk. He knows exactly what to say to score high with girls so he can screw them later.

I can't believe I was stupid enough to be swooned by his whole "there's a whole world out there" shit.

Rolling my eyes, I immediately ordered a margarita on the rocks and turned around in my spiny chair to look around. Almost every girl in here was being pursued by men trying to hard. The rest of them were like me, alone and looking around longingly. Not like I wanted some guy to talk to me, but to see the look on Liam's face would be amazing.

I finished my margarita, beginning to feel a little lightheaded.

"Another margarita for the pretty girl sitting alone."

I spun around to see a handsome guy staring at me, his eyes taking me in. Seriously, I'm wearing a t-shirt and jeans. I don't get it. I'd say he was in his twenties, with light, curly blonde hair and bright blue eyes.

"On the rocks," I added, smirking a little.

"Ah, beautiful and persistent. I like it."

I tried my best not to roll my eyes, looking down at my lap. "I'm not exactly dressed for this."

"I was going to ask where you were headed." He stated, leaning into me.

"Road trip," I said simply.

"I've never heard of a club being a pit stop." He mused, smiling.

"Well, you see, the driver wants me to see the world. Apparently a club is his idea of an adventure." I remarked sarcastically.

"I knew a pretty girl like you wouldn't be here alone," The stranger looked around, smiling. "I don't see him around, though."

"I'm right here, dick." Liam's voice suddenly erupts behind me, his arm snaking around my waist. "And I suggest you get away from her before I kick your ass."

The guy completely ignored him, confirming that he was freaking crazy. I mean, Liam was intimidating as hell. "I don't think she wants me to leave." He smiled.

"Me and him are just friends," I insisted, shaking Liam's hand off me. I outstretched my own hand to the guy. "Vanessa." New beginning, new me. I need to start getting over my fears and going by my dad's name for me is the start of that. I can't let myself be defined by the people in my life anymore.

"Vanessa," He repeated, grinning wide and shaking my hand. "That's pretty. I'm Marcus."

"Vanessa, we're leaving." Liam insisted pleadingly, sounding upset.

I spun around to face him, pissed off. "Seriously? You can go off and screw some whore but I can't just talk to a nice guy? Besides, I thought this was your favorite club," I snapped sarcastically.

"Oh, grow up, Nessa. You know he just wants in your pants." With that statement I snapped, slapping him hard across his cheek before storming out of the stupid club.

The sun was hiding behind darkened clouds and I knew it was about to downpour, but still I walked on. Past Liam's truck and out of the parking lot of the lit up club.

He caught up with me quick, grabbing my arm and spinning me around to face him. Right then it decided to pour, immediately deeming me soaked. I pushed my wet hair off my forehead and stared into Liam's unreadable eyes. He was letting go but he also wasn't speaking. I cocked an eyebrow at him as if to say, 'What?'

"I-erm, I'm sorry, babe. I shouldn't of ruined that for you. I'm supposed to be helping you experience new things." He apologizes, looking trouble.

"Wow, it must've of took so much courage to admit you're wrong for once." I frowned, ripping my arm out of his grasp and stepping away from him.

"Dammit, Nessa, can't you just accept my apology? I'm not good at them. And I never really say sorry to anyone so-"

"So I should be honored that someone as amazing as you apologized to someone as horribly normal as me? You're so right, Liam. Thank you for blessing me with your company." I just want to get away from everything supernatural. I need something normal. Someone normal. I liked talking to Marcus because he's the first human I've had a conversation with in months.

"That's not what I meant," He grunted, though I barely heard him over the hard rain. "C'mon, Nessie. Let's walk back to my truck and get you out of the rain. Please."

"You worried I'm going to get a cold?" I said, rolling my eyes.

"Stop being such a smart ass, babe. Please just get in the damn car."

I thought about it for a moment, a cold chill from the rain causing chill bumps to form on the exposed parts of my body. "Fine."


w/c: I'm going to try and update tomorrow again for making you all wait so long. love you all have a great night/morning/afternoon 💕

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