(30) I Need Your Help

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Writers Comment: I'm sorry blah all I do is apologize but this time I did it on purpose. I needed some time to get this chapter right. So yeah! Sorry for wait :)

Chapter 30: I Need Your Help

Nessa's P.O.V.

A mix of a emotions hit me all at once as soon as I realized the man in front of me. At first, I hadn't of recognized him. I wanted to stand up and slowly back away, but for some reason I felt glued to my seat.

"I can explain." My dad said quickly, his eyes darting around my face. He looked old. I mean, it's been 7 years since I've seen him. He has more wrinkles than I remember, plus right now he has dark, deep circles under his eyes. Basically, he looked like me on exams week.

One emotion finally settled on me. "Why the hell did you try to trick me to come meet you?"

He didn't falter. "You're so beautiful, Vanessa. You've grown into such a great woma-"

"I could actually be an awful person. You wouldn't know. You didn't stick around to find out. Now how about you answer my questions so that we won't ever have to speak again, ok?" I rambled, leaning back in the plushy black seat.

"I- would you have come if you had known I'd be the one here?" He asks, raising an eyebrow. Despite his clear aging, he was still the handsome guy my friends had gushed over, causing me to puke.

"Nope." I answered without hesitation. "But I don't get it. Why?"

"Why what?" Daniel shot back, looking utterly confused. I stared back at him unblinkingly. "Oh. I just wanted to see my daughter." It didn't sound like a lie, but I still raised an eyebrow and glared at him.

"Really? You just now decided you wanted to see me, after all this time?" I snapped.

"Vanessa, I love you. You have to know that, ok?" I just continued to stare at him until he gave in, sighing. "But you're right. I came here because I need your help."

I frowned, rolling my eyes. "Why would I help you?"

"Because even though you put on this tough girl act, you still love me. In your heart, you understand why I did what I did."

"Maybe. What I don't understand is why you never came back. It's been safe. You could even go back to mom right now." I interjected.

"And that brings up why I need your help," Daniel sighed, leaning across the table so he could whisper. His breath smelled like cigarettes. "The Fates want me dead."

"What? Why?" I asked, suddenly attentive. From what Christopher told me about The Fates, I didn't think they were too friendly.

"I'm a problem. You see, in the end, you and Chris are the finishing pair for The Fates. They need you two together, they can't have their system malfunctioning. They already hate me for keeping you away from

Christopher for all those years," He paused, letting it sink for me. "I'm, well sort of like a glitch. I'm one of the things still keeping you away from your soul mate. And they want me dead...they're looking for me."

"I- how can I help you with that? If they want you, they're going to find you. That's just how it is." I frowned, feeling a small amount of fear pile up in my stomach.

"I don't want you to help me hide. I want you to help me kill them."


"You can't possibly be serious. Why in the hell would I risk my life for you? How can you even think I would?" I snapped, standing up from the booth and starting to walk off before he grabbed me by my wrist.

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