(24) Letter

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Writers Comment: I AM SO SORRY ABOUT NOT UPDATING LAST WEEK! I was extremely busy I had tests all week and just didn't get to it so I just skipped :/ and then even this update is pretty late today but yeah enjoy :)

When My Heart Stops, I'll Give It To You

Chapter 24: Letter

After Christopher and I had talked, he demanded that I at least take a relaxing shower if not a nap. Once I had taken off the clothes they had me in, my eyes fell on the mirror in front of me. I looked like a complete wreck. My eyes had dark circles, there was a gash on my forehead, my skin was cold and paler than usual, and my hair was an awful tangly curly mess. 

I tentatively touched the cut on my head. It had healed up a lot, the rest was dry blood.

Sighing, I turned the knob almost as hot as I could get it and jumped in as soon as possible. The water hitting me felt absolutely amazing. I scrubbed all the dirt and grass that had been left under my clothes. I guess whoever cleaned me up didn't want to have to take off my clothes. When I looked around for conditioner, all I saw was men shampoo. Oh well. Christopher smells good. His conditioner was called "Musky woods" which made me snort.

After getting all the tangles out I could, I reluctantly turned off the water. I took the towel I had thrown over the door and wrapped it around me, bracing myself for the cold bathroom air. When I was out I saw that someone had laid clothes out for me. I must've not noticed when that girl here had came in.

I slipped on the bra I had been wearing and then pulled on the large t-shirt and cotton sleep shorts. The shirt went down to above my kneecaps. I wrapped my hair into the towel and then retreated back to the family room. Only Liam was in there at the moment, so I just sat down across from him on the couch.

He pulled at his brown hair and stared at me. "That's my shirt, you know."

"Oh, uhm, sorry...it was laid out for me and I just...uhm do you want me to take it off?" I stuttered, my cheeks turning red.

He laughed at me and a teasing look came upon his face. "No way. Not when you look so much better in it than me."

My cheeks burned with the compliment. Right when I'm about to scold him for it, Chase comes in and does it for me. "If you could stop flirting with our guest, it'd be great." He flops down on the reclining chair, blonde hair flying around.

"It's far too fun, Chase." Liam grinned and winked at me, green eyes sparkling. "It was Nessa who suggested she should take her top off anyways."

"No, I didn't!" I protested, sounding like a little kid.

"I said stop, Liam. Anyways, how do you like it here, Nessa?" Chase asks me, changing the subject.

"I do, it's nice. Who owns it?" I pulled the towel off my head and shook it out.

"Well, the heritage of it goes all the way back to Liam's great great grandparents. It's under his name now. It's a safe house for humans. I stay here to protect them." He told me, blue eyes bright.

My brain lost him on the word "human". I mean, I obviously knew Christopher wasn't human. But what was he? And why was he hiding it from me? I decide to keep my unawareness to myself. Christopher will tell me when he's ready. "Are there any other humans living here at the moment?"

"Only three at the moment, not including you. They're all on the third floor." Liam answered.

I nod, trying to process correctly. "Uhm, when do you think I can leave?"

Liam and Chase exchange a look. Chase leans closer to me, his eyes holding mine. "As soon as it's safe for you to leave. I promise you that."

I give him a tiny smile. "Thank you."

"I think you'll be fine, princess. We've all been here much long then you ever will." Liam's usual teasing tone was suddenly full of anger and he abruptly got up from the couch and stalked off.

I feel really guilty before realizing that he's being unreasonably mad. "What's wrong with him?" I mutter.

Chase sighs, his eyes still following Liam's retreating figure. "Just, take it easy on him, ok? He really is a good guy. He can just be a jerk sometimes."

I'm going to have trouble living with him, I just know it. "You said the house was under his name now. Did his parents pass away?"

Chase's eyes lowered to floor. "Uhm, yeah. They did. Six months ago."

"Oh my gosh," I feel bad again. "I wouldn't even be out of bed yet."

"He puts up a good front, but he's a softie on the inside," He tells me, a tiny smile now on his face. "Don't tell him I said that. He'll kill me."

I smiled back. "I won't. And I'll try to get along with him."

"Try to get along with who?" Suddenly Christopher is in the room, staring at me and Chase.

"Liam," I answered. As I stare back at him I think more and more about what all he might be hiding from me.

"Ah," Christopher nods, obviously not surprised. He must be used to people not getting along with Liam. "Just don't get on his bad side. He's letting us stay here and use this place."

I pat the seat next to me and Christopher plops down. "Chase was just informing me on this safe house." I add.

He nods, messing with my wet hair until I slap his hand. "Yeah, this place is nice. It's completely isolated." Christopher turns toward me and pulls a crumbled up piece of mail from his back pocket. "This was in the mail to you. I'm not sure how he found out our new address. I figure since he's your friend it doesn't matter."

My eyebrows pull together in confusion and I quickly look at who the mysterious letter is from.


Writers comment: Sorry if this was short I can never tell on my phone and also sorry if it was boring :( comment vote or don't hahaha ily guys

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