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When My Heart Stops, I'll Give It To You

Turns out, I was wrong about Christopher making me feel better.

When I first got there, I stopped at the door.

Surrounded around Christopher's desk were all the popular girls. Julia Callie, the prettiest one out of the group, was flirting with him non-stop. They were practically throwing themselves at him.

It gave me a sharp pain in my heart. Was I...jealous?

No, I couldn't be. I can't be jealous when Christopher and I have only had one date. Plus, it was a study date. I need to try harder.

Julia leaned in a little further, a little too close. There that pain was again. All I wanted to do right now was punch her in the face. Well, that was a usual feeling.

I finally mustered up the courage and entered the room, trying my best to not look his way. But I couldn't help myself. Christopher was still looking down at his desk when I walked in. He took a deep breath and then his head jerked up.

His eyes meet mine and he mouthed, 'Hey'

I gave him a short and curt nod before my heart could explode in front of him. It was weird that just a small gesture, could make me feel so... alive. Like every part of my body was being lit on fire.

How had he known I walked in the door? All he did was take in a deep breath and suddenly, he knew I wasn't invisible anymore.

When I looked over at him again, he was pointing at me. All the girls shot me a look that could kill, and then came over to my desk.

Julia leaned her left hip against my desk. "Nessa, right?" She asked giving me a forced and tight smile.

I just nodded. A few girls snickered at my name. I resisted the urge to roll my eyes.

"Christopher said that he can't date me, because he already has a girlfriend." She said.

"Is that so?" I said, raising an eyebrow. For some reason, I was enjoying this. Julia has never been turned down before. With her dark, glossy, black hair and sparkling blue eyes, you can't blame a guy for liking her.

"It is." Her voice was strained as she did a flip of her hair, like she didn't care. "But don't play dumb with me, Bennedict." She added. I hated how she called me by my last name.

"Excuse me?" I said, innocently. I honestly didn't know. But since he pointed at me I had an idea.

"You." She seemed as surprised by it as me. "He says he's dating you. Is that true, or is he playing hard-to-get?" She turned to give a wink in Christopher's direction.

I glanced at Christopher, in his hands was a notebook piece of paper that said, Help.

I laughed at that and Julia looked furious, she didn't see the little sign Christopher made, though.

 "Just answer the question!" Exploded Hannah Fautner, her face anxious.

"Yes, yes, it is." My voice was a little muffled from holding back laughter. And when Julia and her "group" turned around towards Christopher again, the sign was gone.

"Hmp." With one last flip of her hair she walked back to her chair and started to pack up like everyone else.

Christopher appeared by my side. That was our routine now.

"Thanks for saving me, back there." He muttered. He actually seemed annoyed that Julia asked him.

That's a first.

"What I told her can be true, you know." He said giving me a wink that made my heart take flight. His smile grew bigger. I swear it's like he can hear my heart when it flutters like that.

"Would I be better than Julia?" I said with a slight smile on my face, joining his teasing tone.

"There is no number of how much better you would be than her." His eyes sparkled, like they were lighting bolts.

"I'm not too sure 'bout that... she's pretty, popular, and atheletic."

He rolled his eyes. "Believe me, you're better. And please, don't talk to them. At all. Trust me, they aren't good."

"That won't be too hard, considering they ignored me until you became competition." I gave him a teasing smile and continued. "Besides, how do you know so much about them already? Every other new guy we've had before has fell for them, then had their heart broken. They had to learn."

"I told you, I watch. The way people move and talk can tell you alot about them." He said.

"How do you see me?" That was something I had been wanting to ask him. To me, he was my sun. He brightened my life and made it interesting. But what was I to him?

"When I saw you singing when everyone else was talking, I knew you were pefect. When I saw the way your eyes light up and your hair fell in your face I knew you were alive. Do you know what I mean?" He was staring at me with more intensity then I could of ever thought was possible.

I gave him a smile. "Yes, I do." Things were quiet before I spoke again.

"I'm still trying to figure you out, Christopher." I said softly.

"What do you want to know?" I hadn't even noticed that we were in the parking lot and right in front of me was my Jeep.

I leaned against it and sighed. "Oh, only everything."

"That's a long story." His eyes sparkled and he chuckled.

"A story I want to know."

"I want to know yours, too." He said. "What about I pick you up from school tomorrow?"

I give him a smile. "Sounds good to me."

My mom is going to kill me.

Writer's Comment: ANOTHER short chap, I know. But i have to upload everyday bc i have to finish this book before Watty Awards ends.

Anyhoo in the next chap, how would you feel about Christopher's P.O.V.? Let me know! and PLZ comment and vote:D

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