(25) I Don't Feel Right

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Writers comment: My chaps have been sooo short lately so I'm really sorry ill try making them longer from now on :)

When My Heart Stops, I'll Give It To You
Chapter 25: I Don't Feel Right

Nessa's P.O.V.

My stomach turns as I stare at the letter sitting innocently in my lap. The last time I had seen Aiden, he tried to kiss me and then he ran away. I never got to say goodbye to him or tell him where or why I was leaving. I was worried about him. When Aiden's hurt, he does stupid things. For some reason I had this awful feeling in the pit of my stomach that something was wrong.
"Are you going to open it?" snapped Liam, who must've walked back into the room when I hadn't of noticed.
I wave him off and begin to rip open the letter, half excited, half scared.
I begin to read.

I'm really sorry about what happened. I don't blame you for not having the same feelings towards me that I have for you. It was wrong of me to assume you returned those feelings.
Anyways, I miss you. I want to see you. Will you meet up with me Friday night around nine at that coffee place we always go to? Please, Nessie. We need to talk.

"No way," Christopher suddenly snapped, taking the note of my hand. He obviously had been reading it too. "This has Phillip written all over it."
"You're wrong, Christopher," I argued, my eyes hungrily on the piece of paper in his hands. "I know his handwriting, it's real."
"He could of easily forced your little human boyfriend to write that for him." Liam interrupted, getting glares from all of us in return.
"Sadly, he's right, Nessa. Don't think its sketchy he wants to meet at night? And how did he figure out this address?" Chase agreed.
I stare down at my lap. "If Phillip has him, that's even more of a reason for me to go. He'd be in danger."
"Maybe so, but that's not a risk we can take. We'll be gone by then. You can't go by yourself." Christopher frowned, staring intently at me.
"I could go with Amber." I insist, wishing she was down here to agree.
Liam scoffs. "Amber and you would be noting up against Phillip."
I ignored him and turned to Christopher with a raised eyebrow.
"No." He says quickly.
"Consider this, Christopher. What if this really is Aiden? What if Phillip sees him out in the open and decides to use him as bait for us?" I suggest. I'm making up scenarios but it doesn't really matter. He's my best friend and I can't just leave him like that.
"Tell her she's being naive, Chris. She can't go out of the safe-"
"Shut up for one second, Liam," Christopher says, his voice a bit more calm than before. He turns back around to me. "I'm saying no, Nessa. It's too risky for you to go with just Amber. You'll stay here."
"I highly doubt she's going to listen to what you say." Chase concludes, as if I'm not sitting right here.
Christopher sighs, looking like a frustrated parent. "Are you going to go no matter what I say?"
I think for a moment, then nod.
"Liam's staying here to watch over you, then. So you can't sneak out." I had thought he was going to agree to let me go. But this was worst. Liam seemed to not like it much either.
"What?" Liam's eyes are suddenly wide, looking completely taken aback. "Chris, we agreed I would go with you-"
"You're the one who was so persistent to not let her go, this'll keep her from trying to sneak out." Chase interrupts, looking utterly amused.
"Yeah, and we need someone here to watch over the girls anyways. I'll go get more guys to come with me so we won't be short." Christopher nods.
Liam slumps into his seat with a pout. "Fine."
I bite hard down on my lip and stare down at my lap. They're treating me like a child. I would stomp out of the room but that would just prove their point. Instead, I meet Christopher's blazing eyes. "Teach me self defense." I demand him. "I don't want to be helpless."
Christopher's face breaks into a grin and I hear Liam snorting behind me, but I ignore it. "Sure, Nessie." My heart swells at the nickname I haven't heard for awhile. "We can start tomorrow."
"Are you sure about this?" Christopher asks me. We're laying in what I now know is his bed, trying desperately to go to sleep when he suddenly just starts talking again.
"Yeah, I am," I say softly with a yawn after. "I need to know how to protect myself."
He turns on his side to face me, his bright eyes shining through the darkness. "I'm here to protect you."
I give him a tiny smile. "But you won't always be, Christopher."
He seems confused by that and he turns back around on his back, staring intensely at the ceiling.
"Nessa?" He says all the sudden.
"Yes?" I answer, turning to face him because of all the seriousness in his tone.
"I...I think something's happening to me," He tells me quietly, and I notice a few beads of sweat dripping down his forehead and he's breathing heavily. "I don't feel right. I haven't since this morning. It feels like..like something's trying to take over."
My eyebrows furrow together at the fear in his voice so I pull him into a hug. "You're going to be okay, Christopher," I tell him, rubbing his back. "I'm sure it's nothing."
I'm not sure, but we both fall asleep shortly after that anyways.
"I change my mind." I decide, sweat dripping down my body.
We've been outside for at least an hour, with Christopher trying to show me how to block an advance or catch your opponent off guard. He's a lot more light and fun today than usual, which surprises me considering the state he was in last night.
"Aw, c'mon, Ness. You can do this." He encourages me, his eyes light and playful for the first time since I got here. We were standing on the dead grass outside and I guess he expected me to try to make a move on him by the way he was beckoning me with his hands.
I groan and bring up my leg to kick him in the stomach, only to have him grab my foot midair. He laughs and leaves me there on one leg. "Chris!" I squeaked before falling on my butt. Huffing, I lay my head down and stare at the sun setting before Christopher's head pops up above me. "Keep trying." He says in a sing-song voice, not even offering to help me out.
I grunt and get up off the dirt, wiping my butt. "I didn't appreciate that."
"Yeah, well, tell that to an axe murderer when he's trying to chop off your head. I'm sure he'll understand." Christopher laughs sarcastically, earning a glare from me. "Try again."
I mumble a bit more about how useless this is before stepping away from Christopher again. Then I run up to him and try to punch him in the face, as I would like to, but he only catches it in his once again. He smirks at me with those perfect pink lips and I find it a bit hard to be mad at him. He still has my fist in his hand and he suddenly flattens it out and so do I, until our fingers are intertwined. Christopher pulls me closer to him until our lips crash together. I throw my arms around his neck and press myself as close to him as I can possibly be. He's grinning against my lips which makes me smile too. I know that Liam and Chase are watching from the sidelines, but I don't really care at the moment.
He broke away and smiled at me for a moment, but then that smile turned into an evil grin. It's almost sinister. My smile disappears from my lips and I step away from him a little. All I can think is I should've known. I scream and Christopher's hand slaps over my mouth, only he's not Christopher.
It's Phillip.

Writer's comment: I hope this was longer than the last three updates :/ vote comment enjoy :) ily you guys so so much :)

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