(38) The Travel Virgin

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w/c: why am I so awful at uploading on time. sorry loves i hope you enjoy this chapter 💕

When My Heart Stops, I'll Give It To You

Chapter 38: The Travel Virgin

Nessa's P.O.V.

"Promise me that the rest of this detour, we'll stay together."

I stared at the thousands of little droplets racing down the window, shrugging. "What if you see a really hot girl?"

"I see one right now." Liam remarked smartly, smirking.

I rolled my eyes. "Real smooth, but you should probably save those comments for someone who wants them."

"And you do. Want my flirty comments, I mean. If you didn't, you wouldn't have kissed me." He insisted.

I rubbed my temples in frustration, grunting. "You made me kiss you, that doesn't count."

Liam met my eyes with his ever changing ones, the edge of his lip curving up into smirk. "I guess I'll have to make it count some day, then."

I blushed, shifting my eyes away from him. "Good luck with that."

He grinned, turning his eyes back to the road. "So, where to next on this amazing adventure my courageous, hot, Liam?" He mimicked, making his voice high. "Oh, since you so nicely asked, we're heading to Las Vegas, my pet."

"First of all, my voice doesn't sound like that. Secondly, don't call me pet." I laughed, my mood lifting a little.

"Rule whatever number we're on. Driver gets to call you what he wants." Liam demanded.

"Okay, whatever. Why Las Vegas?" I asked, changing the subject.

He flinched like I had slapped him and abruptly pulled the car off the road into the grass, turning towards me with wide eyes.

"What the hell-"

"Have you ever been to Las Vegas, Vanessa Bennedict?"

"No, but I don't see-"

"How? How can you have possibly not ever been to bestest place ever?" He insisted, going on. His facial expression looked like a kid who just found out his friends didn't believe in Santa Claus.

"Bestest isn't a word." I stated, still dumbfounded by his dramatic scene.

"Vanessa. Do you even understand what this means? What this makes you?" Liam continued, leaning his body into me.

"What, Liam?" I sighed, exasperated.

His eyebrows raised and his face completely straight, he stated his next three words seriously. "A travel virgin."

I burst out laughing, tears pouring out of my eyes only to see his face was still completely deadpan. "Wait, are you being serious?"

"Damn right, I'm serious, Bennedict. This is a big deal. I knew you hadn't been that many places, but this is a complete game changer. I'm going to have to help you lose your TV card."

"TV card?" I erupted into laughter again, holding my stomach.

He gave me a seriously-how-can-you-be-so-immature-right-now look before turning back to wheel and getting back onto the road.

"Okay, okay," I said finally, after calming down. "You can't say I'm a-" I paused so I wouldn't start laughing again and he shot me a dirty look. "a erhm, travel virgin, because like, I've been places. Florida, Chicago, Nashville..."

He shot me a look, silencing me. "Those are all great places, but you don't get it. My kind of traveling is places where you can get drunk and party, or places that are so lit up if you stare long enough your eyes will start to hurt. Or somewhere you see celebrities and super models. Just somewhere completely different from where you're used to."

"I think it's considered traveling if you're away from home." I insisted.

"Well you're wrong. I don't blame you for not knowing, you're much too young to understand." He grinned, messing with my hair.

"You're not that much older than me." I frowned, moving out of his hands reach.

"I'm twenty-two, babe. Four years." He smirked.

I don't know why it bothered me, but it did. Guys like Liam liked girls that were older, tall, and skinny. And, of course, blonde. The complete opposite of me. Dark haired, curvy, plain. Nothing compared to the models fighting for his attention.

But why do I care?

"Almost three years." I said instead of everything I was thinking.

"Ah, that's right. The big nineteen. When is that?" He asked, glancing over at me. He seemed to be checking me out. I shifted in my seat uncomfortably.

"Two weeks." I told him vaguely.

"Ah, Chris wouldn't have been home." Liam tells me softly.

I shrug. "He promised he would be home for it. I guess that doesn't matter now." I turned my body towards the window a little.

"Look, Lucy, I'm sorry. I shouldn't have mentioned him." He apologized immediately.

I stared at his reflection in my window, his eyes clear and sparkling. "Wake me up in Las Vegas."

W/C: so so sorry this is so short and also I skipped another week of uploading I'm sorryy last week I went to visit three different college campuses and I've just been really busy. ily all sm I hope you have/had an amazing night/day/evening :)

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