(27) Interrogations

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Writers Comment: OMG GUYS IM SO SO SORRY. I had SAT rest practice all this week and last week and then the other week I went to Nashville so I've just been super busy just omg I'm so sorry I tried to make this update long cause I suck lol ok bye sorry again guys ily

When My Heart Stops, I'll Give It To You

Chapter 27: Interrogations

Despite my fear, I set my jaw and scrap together all the pride I could possible have in this situation. "Phillip."


"Nice to see you, Vanessa. It's been much too long." He grins. His charming looks can only cover up so much of his wickedness. I ignore the fact he called me Vanessa, figuring he had only did so to annoy me.

"I want to see Christopher. Or else." I threaten weakly.

Phillip just laughs, like I expected him to. I had hoped if I encountered him again, he'd be a mess of scars and cuts and rumpled clothes from Christopher. But no. He looked fresh and crisp, with a plain black t-shirt and jeans and his hair a little wet from a recent shower. He looked like he was glowing. You wouldn't think a demon would be beautiful, but he was.

"Or else what? You have nothing against me." He scoffed.

"Or else I won't tell you the information you want," I smirked, raising an eyebrow.

"Well, aren't you getting better at this little game? You're right, I am going to question you. But you'll going to tell me anyways, without the deal." He reasoned, his tone playful, as if we were just flirting. Phillip slowly began to approach me on the bed and on reflex, I flinched, hating myself after I did.

"How do you figure that?" I ask, my shaking voice betraying me.

"I have everything that matters to you, besides for that stupid mother of yours. I have your best friend and your boyfriend. You have nothing against me when I can just torture either of them." Phillip shrugged, nonchalant.

Aiden frowned but obviously wasn't worried too much about it. I wanted to ask what Phillip had done to him that had made him like a loyal dog.

I try to think how I could possibly manipulate him. Chris once told me that this was all a game to him, almost like a suspenseful movie that must end the way Phillip wants. "Is this really how you want it to go down, Phillip? It isn't that of an exciting ending, if you ask me. Chris dies without a fight, I die of not supplying you with the information you need."

Philip just smirks. "Well, aren't you a smart girl. And I agree, this is not how it's going to end. I'll have more on my side by that time comes, and there's an epic ending. I have it all planed. And don't worry, I'll make sure you'll have an interesting death."

"Thanks," I say sarcastically, trying to disguise the relief in my tone. "So what do you want, then?"

Phillip advances on me and is so close to my face now I almost think he's about to kiss me. "I want to shake you up so much that you break. I want to shake up your entire pathetic so called army so much that they'll all eventually back down," He pauses. And he was right, I was shaking so badly right now. "But most of all, I want to kill you. I want to kill you so bad it hurts me. All I could think about since I watched you run away at the park was how beautiful your blood must look as it spills to the ground. I can't wait to kill you." He licks his lips and I'm pretty sure I'm crying now, which is exactly what he had wanted me to do. Phillip said so himself he wanted to break me. "But now's not the time," He grins, leaning away from me. "All your angels will fall."

I stare at him in confusion now, despite my condition. "W-what?" I manage out.

Phillip suddenly begins to laugh, a sound that is pure mockery. "Wow, Chrissie didn't tell you still? That's low."

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