(40) Alternative

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w/c: so sorry I skipped an upload, this took me a little while to write bc I wasn't sure on how to end it off :) ily enjoy ❤ oh and the song for this chap is: Intro by the xx

When My Heart Stops, I'll Give It To You

Chapter 40: Alternative

Nessa's P.O.V.

"I take it back."

"Take what back?" I snap, focusing my eyes on the road in front of me.

"The "you can drive" offer. I take it back. Seriously, you're the worst driver I've ever experienced." Liam explained, shaking his head in disappointment.

He had offered that I drive for a little while so I wouldn't get too bored and now was apparently regretting it.

"Shut up, I'm a great driver. Now put on your seatbelt." I instructed, using one hand to punch him in the arm.

"No way. I hate seat belts. They're so restricting." He whined, inching away from me so I couldn't reach and hit him.

"I'm the driver and therefore I make the rules. Put on your damn seatbelt or else." I nagged. It's just that this was a pet peeve of mine. If you have something right there in front of you that can determine whether you live or die, you should use it.

"Or else what, little Nessie? What can you possibly do to me?" Liam teased aggravatingly. There was that stupid ghost of a smirk threatening to come upon his lips and I immediately looked away.

"Or else I'll slam on my brakes and you'll go flying." I grinned sweetly. I wasn't bluffing, this road was utterly isolated. I could stop my car in the middle of the road and it wouldn't matter.

"Normally I would call bull on your statement, but from your recent behavior I wouldn't put that below you." He laughed a little to himself, that smirk played out on his beautifully shaped lips and while keeping eye contact with me, buckled his seatbelt.

I grinned, turning back to the road. "Thank you. Now second rule, music. If I'm going to drive at this hour I'm going to need something to keep me awake."

"Ah, I forget you human's have weaknesses of exhaustion." Liam remarked snidely.

"Don't underestimate us, Liam." I teased, smiling. "Just make a playlist or something."

"No need for playlists," He insisted, digging in the glovebox in front of him for something before pulling out a stack of CD's.

I pulled over to side of the road and turned in my seat to look at his vast array of CD's.

"All my favorites. 1975 and Fitz and the Tantrums-"

"Arctic Monkeys, The Black Keys, Bleachers, Panic! At The Disco, The xx, and The Kooks.." I said, reading through all of them. "You must really like alternative music."

"I love it. It's just that-alternative. Utterly different and unique. It stands out like crazy next to all the other genres. The lyrics actually mean something." He explained, his bright eyes shining and I couldn't help but feel my heart swell. Everyone had something that made them as excited as a little kid. Something that they were truly passionate about- and for Liam, it was music. Who would've guessed that?

"I really didn't think of you as being this deep." I teased, smiling.

"I'm not. I just appreciate good music." He said, shrugging and meeting my eyes. "What's your favorite genre?"

I sighed, leaning back in my seat so that the intensity of me and Liam being so close wouldn't kill me. "To be honest, I don't really know. I kinda just listen to everything."

"Well, your music taste is about to change forever then. I'll play the more upbeat songs for now since you're trying to stay awake." He slipped in the Fitz and The Tantrums and went to a song called Spark.

"You know, if you were a genre of music, you'd be alternative." Liam said randomly after a little ways into the song.

I let out a short laugh. "I hope that's a good thing."

He stared so deep into my eyes that I felt almost insecure, as if he could read my thoughts."Alternative is incredibly unique and the lyrics are beautiful. It's actually about something. You don't expect much at first. You think the music will just be plain and ordinary. But then it surprises you, almost sneaks up on you. And what you witness makes you never want to go back to anything other than it. Why would you when what's already there is perfect?"

"You thought at first I was plain and ordinary?" I laughed a little, trying to shake off the weight he had just put on our conversation.

"Dammit, Bennedict, don't you get it? My life has been meaningless and shitty until you came into it. And yeah, with you came a lot of heartache and drama and pain, but I don't care because I'm in love with you, Vanessa. Why can't you see that? I'm so incredibly in love with you." He paused taking a deep breath and the song changed to Intro by the xx. I was staring at that, the song title flashing across the stereo, instead of looking at the boy confessing in front of me.

Then he continued. " I probably look like a complete idiot right now but it's worth it. I fell in love with you the second I saw you jump up from that bed and run as fast you could to Christopher. I didn't know why it hurt so bad to watch you be in love with someone else, but now I do. Dammit, just forget I even said any-"

I cut him off by meeting those lips I had longed to kiss for what felt like forever. Liam pulled away, grinning wider than I've ever seen him smile and then immediately got back into the kiss. My heart was racing so fast and everywhere his hand would move would give me tingles.

I climbed into his seat like the very first time we kissed, but this time, it meant so much more. I felt his fingers brush the hem of my top before he swiftly lifted it above my head. We stopped and stared at each other there, our bodies reflecting the pale moonlight and both of our cheeks flushed.

"You're so beautiful." He whispered, his face full of such adoration that my heart ached.

"I'm in love with you too, Liam." I grinned, then let out a tiny laugh of pure happiness before I started to kiss him again, my fingers grabbing the end of his shirt when a pounding knock sounded on the window beside us. I let out a little screech and immediately looked up to see who it was when I felt my stomach lurch.

With his jaw clenched and his face so blank it scared me, Christopher stood in front of our window looking pissed off and utterly broken at that same time.

w/c: to appreciate the fact that this story now has 40 chaps I've made this chapter pretty revolutionary. I hope you liked it ❤ ily all hope you had/have a great day/night/evening or whatever time it is where you are :)!

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