(6) Sparks

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When My Heart Stops, I'll Give It To You

I ran out the door with my moms screams coming after me, yelling repeativly to stay away from Christopher. What's so wrong with him that could make my mom this mad?

I leaned against our mailbox and waited. I knew mom was still watching, and when I lifted my head again, Christopher was there in his car.

I glanced at my mom before getting in the car. And I actually saw my mother and him, exchanging glares at each other.

I'm guessing Christopher won, because mom is going back in the house and slamming the door shut. I slumped further into the leather seat, relaxing my stiff figure.

"What was that?" I ask, unable to stop myself.

"Your mother doesn't like me much." I think I see a slight smile on his face. He knows something.

"Yeah, she isn't really happy about this." I gesture towards him and me when I say "this".

"And what exactly is this?" He asked, using the same gesture I used, with a big grin on his face.

"Friendship..." I say carefully, wanting to use a safe answer. "I'm not in a relationship with anyone, but I'll know who they are when the time comes." I knew it was random, but it was something I needed to talk about. My mother was too busy to listen, and most of my friends left me when I realized I didn't have a father anymore. But Christopher was there. He always was now.

Christopher needed to talk about it too, I guess, because he furrowed his eyebrows and asked, "How?"

I hesitate then say, "The sparks, I guess. You just feel something when you touch them."

"Hmm..." He says, then he takes my hand in his and I let out a gasp.


But not just sparks, it feels like a million butterflies just took flight. And every part of me felt like it was glowing.

Christopher tried to hide his smile, but failed. "Feel anything?" His face smug, like he just accomplished something. Like he doesn't know...

I'm still a little breathless and I don't know what to say so I stammer out, "S-something."

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