(23) Tell Me

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When My Heart Stops, I'll Give It To You

Part 2: Chapter 23: Tell Me

Nessa's P.O.V.

I was at complete lost for words as I stared at Christopher's vulnerable and upset expression. This is a state I've never seen him in, and I wasn't sure on how to approach him.

"I'm...I'm sorry...I didn't know..." I trailed off. Gosh, I sounded stupid. He was better at this than me.

Christopher gave me a tiny smile. "It's ok. I kind of...instead of focusing on getting better after it, I just had this adrenaline. I was suddenly drove by anger towards Phillip. The first time I saw him was when the block was finally removed from you and I came to your school. When I saw he was there, I had to control myself. And then the same thing happened with you that happened with Violet. I was scared and I messed up again. Instead of protecting you, I let my fear and anger take over me and I hurt you. I'll regret that for the rest of my life, Nessa," He closed the space in between us and grabbed my hands, his eyes looking so dead seriously into mine. "I promise you that I'll do everything I can to protect you."

I gave him a shaky smile and pulled him into a hug. "Tell me more, Christopher."

"There's not much else," He shrugged in my arms, playing with my hair. "You want me to tell you about the first time I saw you?"

I bit my lip to stop myself from grinning and laid my head in the curve of his shoulder.

Christopher ran his hands down my back as he began to speak. "I was so nervous, Nessa. I got to the school they told me you were at I remember looking for your face in every girl I saw. The last time I saw you, we were both so young. I wasn't sure if I'd know what you looked like now."

"But then my eyes suddenly fell on this pretty girl slamming her car door behind her. I knew it was you, I just did. Your hair had that same glossy curls I remembered. I found it funny because your whole demeanor seemed tough, but yet those cute little curls still bounced up and down when you walked like a little girl. I wanted to approach you right there and then, but I knew I should probably wait awhile."

I was grinning wide now. "So you watched me from afar," I teased in a dreamy tone.

"Basically, yes," He laughed, his body shaking against mine. "It was hard for me to not stay glued to your side after Phillip showed up. You didn't seem to pay any attention to him though, which I appreciated. But then he came up to you that day and walked you to your car..." He trailed off. "I wanna say that I'm sorry, Nessa. For the way I treated you and for not telling you anything about me. One day, I'll tell you everything, when we have time."

"I forgave you a long time ago, Carrow." Leaning up on my tip toes, my lips collided with his. It didn't last long, since he pulled away earlier than I'd like.

His hands reached out to stroke my cheek and his bright eyes scanned mine. "I have to go train with Chase and Liam, ok? You should get some rest."

I frowned and pulled away from him. "I've been sleeping, Christopher. I meant to ask you, how'd I get here? I don't even remember being brought here. I barely remember the meadow, or you coming back after midnight...what happened?"

Christopher opened his mouth to speak and seemed to hesitate.

"Christopher, you just told me you'd tell me everything. So go." I tried to say as calmly as possible.

His whole face suddenly looked confused and torn. "Uhm, I came back to the meadow and you had passed out. Maybe it was shock or fear, I don't know. I took you here as fast I could. It's been a week since I fought with Phillip."

"A week? I've been asleep for a week?" I tugged at my hair and frowned. "Did you think I was in a coma?"

"I wasn't sure. I figured I'd give you some time, after all that happened, I couldn't take you to a hospital. It's too public. Phillip could be anywhere."

I nodded. It seemed to make sense but something was off. My head was pounding, trying to remember. It was almost like I lost part of my memory. I just had to think hard enough and maybe I could remember.

"Is there something you're not telling me?" I asked quietly.

"I...yes. I mean no. I mean...No, I'm not keeping anything from you. Why?" Christopher's whole demeanor had changed since we began talking about this. I had a weird feeling, but I decided I was just going accept his explanation.

At least for now.

Writers comment: thank you guys for everything and hope you liked this chapter:) ily all

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