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When My Heart Stops, I'll Give It To You

Christopher showed up at my house to pick me up, but I ignored him completly and jumped in my car.

I got to school and tried to hide the fact that he was staring at me the whole day. Once, he went up to me and mumbled, "We need to talk" but I ignored him.

I fumbled with my pencil and dropped it on the floor. I leaned over to pick it up, when a hand snatched it up before I could.

I groan. "Leave me alone, Chris-" I look up and it's not Christopher. It's Philip.

I didn't know him well, this might even be the first time we've talked, but I have catched him staring at me with furrowed eyebrows like he was trying to figure something out.

"Oh, sorry, Philip." I say. "I thought you were someone else."

"Christopher. You thought I was him," He looked around and caught Christopher's glare. "It seems like he's going to kill me for just talking to you."

I laugh. "I'm sure that's not it," Though it probably was.

"He's not your...boyfriend?" He asks.

"No. In fact, I'm the complete opposite." I stop for a second to glare at Christopher. He returns it with a regretful look.

"You told Julia that you were," he says, still looking confused.

"I'm not, trust me." I looked around and saw that we were alone in the classroom. School is over. Well, for today.

"Can I walk you to your car?" He asks, smiling. He has a brilliant smile. He's always been known for that.

"Sure," I answer. But I see Christopher shaking his head at me in the hall and then disappearing like he was never there.

"You excited about the betting?" Philip asks, sarcastically once we get inside

I take a deep breath of the breezy air and I am awarded with the scent of honeysuckles. "Betting?"

He laughs. "Yes, Mr. Whitfield said its, "stupid and not worth the money". But for the school fund raiser they are doing a betting. Only girls do it and the boys bet on them. Whoever you win, you get to spend a week with that girl."

I snort. "What a creative way to raise money. We can say no, right?" I'm suddenly worried. This is the perfect way for Christopher to get me. And I'm sure he'll go out of his way to win. No one would bet on me anyway, so it's an easy win.

"Every girl has to," He sighs. "I'm sorry. All the popular girls are squealing about it."

"Then I'm defiantly not popular. What happens if no one bids on you?"

"That girl has to go home embarrased." he shrugs.

"Well we all know who will get me," I mumble under my breath. Unfortunantly, he hears me.

"Oh, don't worry about that." he says. "Christopher won't win you. Someone really rich is bidding on you. Bye, Nessa."

Then he leaves me, shocked by my car.

This is perfect, though. If someone richer than Christopher bids on me then, I'm perfectly safe from him. I'm still dreading it, though. I have never been on a date before with anyone but Christopher.

I jump in my car and start it up. But it won't work. I fiddle with the keys in the engine, but my car stays dead.

What Christopher said to me repeats in my mind, "We need to talk." The desperate tone of his voice and his troubled eyes told me he wasn't kidding. But I had ignored him.

So he messed up my car.

I looked around the parking lot and saw that Philip had already left. Everyone was gone because I had stayed to talk to Philip.

But a small, shiny, silver car was still left. Julia and her group. They always stayed here late, to redo their makeup and talk about where they are going to eat.

I take a deep breath and approach the car. "Julia?" I ask. The top of the hood is down but she is acting like it's up. Chatting abesently to her friends.

"Julia." I snap.

Her head turns my way. "Nessie." There is no mistaking the venom in her voice. This is going to be impossible.

I took the one guy she wouldn't get. Now, I was on her list of revenge. "Hey," I give her a smile. "My car broke down," I give a fake laugh like I don't care.

But Julia breaks my laugh. "I'm not surprised." She says her eyes staring with disgust at my car.

I shake off my anger with a smile. I loved my cute Jeep. "I know." I roll my eyes. "My mom just refuses to get me another!" I feel so stupid, but I'm doing good, because Sara is smiling at me with no hatred at all.

"Anyways, I was wondering if you could give me a ride home?" By the look of her face I add quickly, "Please."

Hannah speaks up. "Could you tell us about Chrissie?"

"Chrissie?" I ask. All the girls giggle.

"Christopher, duh." Hannah says.

"Oh..." Great. They call him "Chrissie". "Sure, I guess." I don't think you want to know, I think. I don't even know everything about him.

"Hannah, shut up," Snaps Julia. "Can't your boyfriend drive you home?" Julia raises her eyebrow, waiting for an answer. Had they heard me talking to Philip?

"He left already...didn't he?" I ask anxiously.

"Oh, no, he was waiting for you while you were talking to Philip," I try not to let my eyes give me away.

"Oh," I say faintly. "How nice of him. But I'd rather ride with the girls if thats okay with you?"

"Sorry, Nessie, I sure would love to, BUT we are trying to watch you and Christopher's relationship. Ya'll are so cute, I wanna know more about you two." She puffs her lips out and starts the car up.

"Tell me all about it tomorrow, Nessie. I wanna know every little thing he does!" She yells as she speeds off.

I'm left with no options. And in a few seconds, he's standing beside me. I quietly think to myself while he drags me off. Don't worry, Julia,I don't think I'll ever be able to forget what he does to me.


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