(36) There's A Whole World Out There

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When My Heart Stops, I'll Give It To You

Chapter 36: There's A Whole World Out There

Nessa's P.O.V.

I didn't want to "start living". I wanted to slap the shit out of Liam and then find Christopher and make him explain. I owed him at least that, right? A chance to explain why he had been so selfish as to make me fall for him when he knew his fate.

Maybe Liam was right. Maybe I was making rash and thoughtless decisions to try and get revenge on Chris. All I really know is that Liam's full, smirking lips were basically brushing mine they were so close, and that the need to close the distance in between us was almost overbearing.

I had wanted to kiss him- so I did. That's as spontaneous as I'll get for today. But no, Liam had to drag me into some stupid bar from his days of when he could get drunk and party whenever he pleased.

"You're gonna love it here," He told me, pulling me into the long line outside the lit up place.

"This isn't a bar, dumbass. It's a club." I snapped, rolling my eyes.

"I know it's a club, grumpy pants," He sighed, as if I was the difficult one. "But I knew you would jump out of my car if I told you that."

"You're right about that," I admitted. "Mainly because it's idiotic. How do you plan on getting in without IDs?"

"Angelic persuasion, babe." He smirked, winking at me. I admit, I melted a little. Just a little.

I managed to roll my eyes again. "Yeah, right. You can count on hearing my laughter as your arrogant ass gets thrown out the door."

"You should be nicer to me, Ness. I'm trying to show you the glorious parts of life." Liam pouted a little and leaned closer to me.

I scoffed. "How is a night club considered 'glorious'?"

"It will be once I get in," He teased, laughing at his own joke. "Get it? Because I'm an angel? Glorious?"

"I get it, dork." I groaned, turning away from him so he wouldn't see my smile.

"You thought it was funny, admit it," He grinned, cupping my elbow in his hand.

I turned to look at him, now able to suppress my smile. "Nope."

"Sure," Liam chuckled and in that moment I forgot that he was a complete asshole.

Feeling like he could sense me softening up to him, I changed the topic. "So, remind me why I can't just go off on my own and leave your ass?"

It must've worked, because for a passing moment, he looked hurt. Much unlike me, he was good at hiding his feelings. "Because I'm your tour guide to a better life. Christopher took away a good part of your life from you that you could have spent making friends, going to parties, prom. Normal highschool experiences. Now, I plan to give that all back to you."

I had to turn away from him once again, but this time to hide how his sweet, caring words had affected me. "Why?"

"Nessa," Liam breathed, my name sounding beautiful and foreign when he spoke it. He stepped closer to me, his voice now hushed and raspy. "There's a whole world out there. Bright cities, exotic foods, art, beautiful music, and some of the best wine those pretty, pink lips of yours will ever sip. And it's all for you, babe."

I met those excited green eyes of his and felt as if I was completely and utterly vulnerable. "Stop that."

"Stop what?" He murmured, eyes on my lips.

"ID, please." An impatient, rough voice interrupted, snapping me out of the dreamy daze Liam had me in.

I watched as he quickly transformed back into his arrogant, cocky self again. I liked my "there's a whole world out there" Liam better.

"You don't need our IDs," He spoke slowly, his voice low and persuasive. He finished the act off with a wink.

With a far away look in his eyes, the security guy let us in without a word more.

Once we were in, I pulled Liam to the side. "How the hell did you do that?"

"Fallen angels have the ability to persuade humans whenever we want. It's quite great, actually." He smirked, back to his annoying self.

"Oh, is it? Please tell me you've never used that on me." I groaned. My mouth dropped open when he remained quiet, dropping his head. "What the hell, Liam? You used it on me? When?"

"When we were in the car, I-uh, I really wanted to kiss you. I wanted to so bad that-I made you want to too," He paused, glancing up to look at me.

I pulled my hair back, beginning to pace around before coming back to him. "Explain."

"The thing is, you don't have to say it out loud to make it happen. I can persuade you with my eyes too. I didn't mean to, I swear. It's just that you were right there, so close to me. Your hair was a mess around you, and you were staring at me in that curious way you always do, like you're trying to figure me out. And your lips were just there, right in front of me, full and pink. I'd be an idiot not to kiss you," He sighed, looking incredibly vulnerable. "I guess I wanted you so badly that I did it without even noticing. I'm sorry."

I stared at him, my heart racing. "Okay." I muttered, clearing my throat.

"That's all you have to say?" He asked, sounding a little pissed off.

"I can't decide if I'm either mad at you or if I want to make out with you." I admitted, shrugging. "So let's get some shots so I can figure it out."

Liam grinned wide, putting his hand on my lower back and guiding me to the bar part. "Anything that happens-no strings, no attachments. Are we clear on that?"

I smirked. "Crystal."

w/c: whoa okay so this is confusing amiright ladies

sorry the update took forever, I'm out of school and therefore I've been really busy but ill be trying my best to get on top of my updating schedule for my lovely readers.

i love you all so much have a great day/afternoon/night wherever you are :)

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