(39) Capable

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When My Heart Stops, I'll Give It To You

Chapter 39: Capable

w/c: ive decided to start doing a song for each chap. so this chaps song is Do or Die - Thirty Seconds To Mars

this took longer that expected so sorry but aye here it is. ily all ❤

Liam's P.O.V.

She stares out the window, her eyes eagerly taking in our passing surroundings and a look on her face that reads she's thinking about a pleasant memory. I feel my heart swell a little and immediately try to shake it off. Why the hell did Chris have to leave behind this perfectly amazing and gorgeous girl? If I was him, I would never leave her with another guy. I guess he "trusts"

her, which is utter bullshit. It's not Nessa that I'm worried about trusting.

I've always found humans boring and plain, but she just has something that I can't begin to describe. She doesn't let anyone push her around or tell her what to do. She has her own mindset and plans. I want her to experience everything good in the this world, because she deserves nothing less than that.

Nessa's good, she's a human representation of purity. She's more of an angel than I've even been. I think I might be-

"What are you thinking about, dork?" Nessa laughed, interrupting my thoughts. "you're literally smiling at nothing."

"Is it such a crime to be happy, Bennedict?" I countered, glancing over at her, my usual confidence a little off because of my previous, embarrassing thoughts.

"No, I guess not," She decided finally, grinning a little too. "I guess I'm happy too. I mean, I'm getting away from all my problems and that's pretty nice."

"Here's a little wisdom, dear Ness. Problems are like clingy exes. They don't go away forever and soon, they'll be back begging for all your attention." I told her, my tone matter-of-fact.

"That is possibly one of the dumbest things you've ever said," But she laughed anyway, something I liked about her. "besides, I thought you were Mr. "No Cares" guy."

"You think I don't care about anything?" I asked softly.

"Well, yeah. You told me you try to not care about anyone so you don't ever get hurt."

"First of all, I did not word it like that. I'm not prissy," I corrected, sighing. "anyways-I said I try not to care about anyone. Not that I don't-or that I'm not capable." I explained desperately, trying to hint it to her.

"Liam," She said softly, her hand resting on top of mine for a split moment. "I know."

I nodded, gulping and trying to put my full focus on the long road in front of me. "Okay."

~ ~ ~

Nessa's P.O.V.

"Pullover, I have to pee." I commanded, my eyes clinging desperately to the gas station a little ways in front of us.

"You humans and your bladders," He sighs.

"What, do fallen angels just not pee? That's not possible." I insisted, scoffing.

"We do, it's just not an irregular amount of times in a day. You literally have the bladder of a kitten, Nessa," Liam turned into the gas station, sighing again. "A kitten."

"Shut up and give me a five." I laughed, my hand on the door handle.

"What? No, why?"

"Snacks." I said, rolling my eyes.

Without another word, he smacked a five dollar bill into my outstretched palm. I smiled to myself and hopped out of his car, into the gas station.

The mixed smell of laundry detergent and beef jerky hit me hard in the face once I stepped through the door.

Shaking it off, I headed immediately to the bathroom and after enduring the mysterious brown stains on the tiled floor and weirdly damp toilet paper all over the floor, I finally made it out.

The candy aisle was right in front of me and my stomach rumbled loudly, forcing me to realize it'd been forever since I'd ate.

I couldn't quite decide between a Twix bar, M&M's, or Milkyway- so I just got all three. Why not? I'm single. There's no one to impress. I also grabbed a Coke, because I mean, I'll be thirsty after all this.

After deciding I needed to be nice, I got Liam Reese's Pieces, which I only knew he loved because he ate them around the safe house 24/7.

I paid for it all when suddenly a question hit me that I immediately asked Liam the second I got back in the car.

"Are you going to go back to the safe house when this is all over?" I asked, handing him Reese's Pieces.

"Thank you. And yeah, definitely. It's my home." He answered, ripping open the little box and shoving a handful into his mouth. "Will you go back to your mom's house?"

I thought about it for a moment, starting on my Twix bar. "I don't know. I'm not sure if I still consider that home. I'll figure that out when this is over."

"Ah, very uncaring of you, Nessa. I'm proud." Liam smirked.

"Thanks," I smiled, sitting up in my seat. "Now get driving. We have much more "no caring" to do."

~ ~ ~

w/c: random topic.. so whoevers reading this writers comment and an American 5sos fan, how happy are you that the album is finally out? I got to delete my illegal downloading app because this album came out so it's pretty exciting.

anyways, I hope you liked this chap which is pretty much a filler chap bc something big is about to happen. ily have a great night/day/evening ❤

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